Chapter 4 | Bigger Picture

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I walked passed the living room, making sure Alex was doing okay. I entered the dining room, carrying two cans of soda in my hands and I handed one to Joe that he gladly took. I sat access from him, opening my can of soda and taking a sip of it, as Joe just stared at me.


"I'm sorry I left you" He blurted out. I took another sip of my soda, looked over at him and he had a regretful and sad look on his face.

"Being sorry doesn't do shit for me anymore, I don't want an apology or anything from you" I simply said with anger.

Joe nodded and says, "I know, I fucked up. I was a coward, a selfish, idiotic coward that only cared about myself but I promise you I'm not that same person anymore. I'm a grown-ass man now and I'm willing to fix this, I willing to do anything and everything to be in her life and maybe yours" He says grabbing my hand.

I didn't say anything as I looked at our hands, I didn't know what to say to him. I was filled with utter rage and emotional that I wanted to cuss and slap him harshly but for some reason, I didn't have the energy to.

"I can't do this," I said, removing my hand away from him and getting up to go to the kitchen.

"Charl-" Joe began to say but was stopped by Alexandria.

"Are you really my daddy?" Alex's voice popped up out of nowhere. I decided to peak in their conversation.

"Yes, um what's your name?" Joe asked. "Alexandria"

"Wow, that's a beautiful name, Alexandria. For a beautiful little girl like you" Joe says tickling her side which made her giggle happily.

"Mommy, can I give him a hug?" Alex asked as I stood in the door frame. Joe looked over at me for approval, I nod my head and he embraces Alex in a tight hug. My heart can't help to swell when I notice that there were tears falling down Joe's face.

"Don't cry, da-I mean can I call you daddy?" Alex asked wiping his tears away.

"Of course" Joe nodded with a smile and Alex smiled back, wrapped her little arms back around his neck.

"Please Charlie, I know you hate me and I would hate me too. But please let me be part of her life and maybe yours. I promise I'll never leave again, I give you my word that I will love, protect and keep her safe at all time. I want to be a here for Alexandria, please" Joe begged.

I just stood there trying to process everything that has happened. It's been six years of it just being me and Alex and now Joe was possibly gonna be back in the picture.

"I'll give you a second chance, not for me but for Alexandria. Don't fuck this it up Joe because there be nothing coming to this" I firmly said to him.

"Thank you so much Charlotte, I promise I'll try my best to not let you and this piece of heaven down," Joe says getting up and pulling me into a hug while still holding Alex in his arms.

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