Chapter 6 | The Awkward Moment

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"Morning, how'd you sleep?" Someone says as I grumbled, still half-asleep.

I snuggled down into the chest of whoever. "Shut up," I said patting my hand hard in irritation at whatever was trying to wake me up.

"Sorry, baby girl." The person sounded like they were trying hard not to laugh, fingers twining through my own and pulling my hand back under the blanket.

"Tryin.... not...wake up....." I sighed contentedly, not wanting to wake up from this comfortable state. 

"I'm really sorry to wake you," Joe says.

That was Joe's voice.

Joe was here

In my bed.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw him staring at me with a smile. I screamed and fell off the bedroom, hitting my side hard on the floor. Feeling like an absolute dumbass just waited for the pain to calm down.

"Jesus, baby girl are you okay?" Joe asked worriedly as he helped me back onto the bed.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Um, where's Alexandria" I said awkwardly as taking his hand off my waist.

"She's right here-Oh my" Lana bursts in the bedroom, quickly covering Alex's eyes which confused me then I realized Joe was shirtless and wearing his boxers while I was wearing an over-sized t-shirt and pajama shorts with my hair looking wild.

I quickly pushed Joe's hands away from me and I jumped to my feet. I didn't even have time to look at Joe's hurt face cause I was trying to explain myself.

"Oh, It's not what it looks like," I said to Lana. 

She laughs and says, "Oh It's alright Charlotte, I just leave you kiddos alone. I just came to tell you that the tour bus is here and I got breakfast" She says quickly exiting my bedroom with Alex.

"Great, Lana thinks we had sex or something, Why the fuck are you in my bed?" I snapped at him.

"Calm the fuck down. Alexandria had a bad dream, so I stayed and watching a Disney movie with you guys then I wake up in the midnight realized that we all fell asleep. So carried you two up here and you asked me to "stay".  I'm sorry I took that sign the wrong way, I'll just leave" Joe explained, getting up and grabbing his clothes.

"No wait, Joe I'm sorry. I don't know I had done that, I didn't mean to make things awkward." I said shaking my head.

"You don't, I mean I kinda liked it. It was nice having you in my arms again" He confessed. "Oh!"

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