Chapter 12 | Roman Empire

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"Wondering where they are," I asked out loud. Charlie was supposed to meet me to get the tickets for the show tonight. Yup. The girls were finally going to see me wrestle in person.

"Is that them?" Jon asked, pointing to a black jeep wrangler pulling up. I smiled and walked towards the car when they parked, Alex got out of the car quickly and ran towards me. 

"Daddy" She yells. I picked her up and hugging her so tight. It's been a very long three months since last saw her and Charlie.

"Daddy, I miss you so much," Alex says, wrapping her arms around my neck tighter. "Aww, I miss you too. Baby girl"

"Hey, I miss you also," Charlie says, came up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips then putting her head on my arm.

"Hey, I miss you too baby and I won't be gone for long. Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming around so hopefully, I'll have those months off." I said pulling away to look down at her, she gave me a sweet smile and I smiled back at her. 

Someone cleared their throat, I looked behind me and forgot Jon was there.

"Sorry, girls" I picked up Alex down. "Charlie and Alex, this is my best friend, Jon Good aka Dean Ambrose and Jon these are my amazing girls, Charlotte and Alexandria"

"Well, hello It's so great to finally meet you both. Joe talks about you both a lot and sometimes it's annoying that I just couldn't wait to meet ya" Jon says, shaking Charlie's hand and waved at Alex.

"Oh really, let's just hope it's good things" Charlie joked, looking up at me and I smiled. "Oh I promise it's all good," Jon says as his phone started dinging.

"Shit, man. We gotta get going"

"Alright I'll be there in a minute, let me say bye to my girls," Joe says and Jon nodded "Okay, man. Bye Alexandria, Bye Charlotte, it was nice meeting you both" Jon says, They waved bye and Jon went back to the trunk.

"Alright, well here are the tickets and backstage passes but don't worry about that. I'll have someone come and get you both" I said and Charlie nodded with a smile.

"Bye Daddy, I love you," Alex says hugging my waist. "I love you too baby girl," I said, kissing her forehead. I looked over at Charlie with a smile and said, "See you both after the show"

"Kill em, big dog. Alex and I will be out there cheering you on" Charlie says kissing me and taking Alex's hand, I waved at them, bye, and went to the car to get my things.

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