Chapter 4 | Make Love

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NSFW 18+ Sexual Content

It's was our honeymoon night in Paris which was such a surprise for me cause I didn't even know our planned honeymoon was here when we got to our honeymoon suite.

Joe placed the"please do not disturb" sign on the door handle and then he whisked me up off of my feet and carried me in, shutting the door behind him. 

Joe sat me down gently on the bed as his arms came to my sides, his fingers slipping softly down. "I can't believe that you're my wife"

"I can't believe it either" I smiled. He laughed and pulled me into a kiss, and that small kiss turned into more. His hands went to the back of my dress and sliding the zipper down, he got up and bring me up with him to start sidling it off slowly while kissing my exposed neck.

His lips trailed down to my chest as my dress fell, the folds of material gathering neatly at my feet. I step out of it and I look up at Joe, his eyes darkened with lust and awestruck wonder, staring back at me.

"Man, you look so damn beautiful," Joe says. "And you're so damn handsome" I purred, pulling him down into a kiss while taking off his blazer then his tie and white shirt, next was his pants but he stopped me.

"Wait?" He says pulling away, taking a breath. "What's wrong, babe"

"Nothing, I just-before we get down and dirty. Let's have some sweets and champagne in the bathtub" Joe says. 

"Oh," I said scratching my arm. "You um.. wouldn't want to skip all of that and just fuck your wife into these sheets cause I really need you now daddy" I whispered, biting my lip and sliding my hand down his abs to his crotch but he stopped me.

Joe closed his eyes from a minute, "Don't" Joe says, I laughed and kissed his lips. 

"Okay, come on sexy. You want a bath, oh my baby is gonna get a bath. I'll set the fake candles and music, you go get the sweets and champagne" I said walking over to huge bathroom while taking my bra and panties, soon throwing at him which he catches.

"JOE?" I called his name, he finally came into the bathroom with a tray of sweets and a bottle of champagne. I've been waiting for him for at least three minutes. I've already got the bath ready, the music playing and the candles lit. The only thing that was missing was my husband.

"I'm coming, woman," Joe says, placing the tray on the edge of the bath and getting into the bathtub. I grabbed a champagne glass off the tray while Joe took another one.

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