Chapter 9 | Unthinkable

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"So when are we gonna get to meet our granddaughter," My dad asked. It was the next day and I was visiting my parents' house, my mom asked me to come over to fix something for her and my dad.

"Well, Charlie wants Alexandria to meet the family but she's doesn't want any drama. So if they do come over for family reunion are you gonna behave?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

"What do you mean, am I gonna be behavior," He asked. "Dad, you have never liked Charlie. When you first ever met her, you were totally mean and fake to her. You even accused of her cheating on me when I told you and mom she was pregnant"

"I'm sorry, son but Charlie isn't the type of woman you want to marry. You are about to go to Wrestlemania 31, you need a real intelligent, strong woman by your side. Not some POP / R&B superstars that you use to date college" He says.

"Are you serious?" I asked shaking my head, I knew should've expected this from my dad but damn, it been six years now and he still feels the same about Charlie.

"Look, son, I just think you deserve better, like that Sidney girl. She's beautiful, smart and nice. Why don't you like her?" He asked with a smile.

"Charlie is way better than Sid-Wait how do you know Sidney?" I asked stopped fixing the light, he cleared his throat and was about to walk away.

"Dad?" I said grabbing his arm.

"Okay, Trinity told me about her. I think she sounds like a wonderful girl-Leati" I didn't even let him finished, I just went to talk to my mom in the kitchen.

"Hey, mom. How you feeling" I asked kissing her cheek. "Oh hi honey, I'm good. How about you?"

"I'm a little annoyed. Um did you know anything about what dad was talking?" I asked her and she gave me a slight nod.

"Really, you didn't have the guts to tell me?" I asked her, she stopped cutting up an onion and turned towards me.

"You know how your father is, Leati. He would anything to make it go his way and he just wants the best for you even if it isn't" She explained, rubbing my hand. "Well that's the problem, he needs to stay out of business"

"What are you two talking about?" My dad asked coming over to us, I rolled my eyes.

"I'm just giving my son the right advice. To just follow his heart and not listen to anyone else" My mom says with a smile.

"Oh alright, uh Leati come here. Can you look at something" My dad says waving me this way. 

"What is it, dad? cause I've already made my decision"

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