Chapter 2 | Isn't She Lovely

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"I can't wait to meet my little goddaughter," Lana says to me, with a smile. It was a Friday night and Lana and I was at my parent's house, watching "Seven Pounds"

It was the last week until my due date hits and couldn't wait to meet my baby girl. Time went by fast, I got a job working for my sister, bought an apartment and got a new car. blessed, yes!

"Same, I can't wait to meet my little princess," I said softly while running my hand up and down my belly as I felt her kick my side.

"Okay, you don't have to answer this" Lana started, sitting up to look at me. "What?"

She sighs and asks. "Do you think she'll look like him or....?"

"Idk...It's possible but...I would hop..OW," I whined putting my hand on my stomach again then I felt something wet between my legs.

"Charlie, you alright?" Lana asked softly, putting her hand on my shoulder before her eyes went wide when she saw the wet spot between my sweats.

"Shit- MR. AND MRS. THOMPSON" Lana screamed out.

"Lana, take it down" I yelled. "So sorry," She says with an anxious look. "It's okay Lana"

"Is everything alright?" My mom asked as her and my dad come rushing downstairs. "No, I think Charlie's water jus-"

"Broke?" My dad asked. As if my body wanted to answer before my voice could, my body shifted as another shot of pain ran through, making me groan out in pain.

"I think so." I huffed out as grabbed on Lana's arm, hissing with pain.

"Okay, honey. You need to breathe in through your nose, out through your mouth." My mom says started doing the breathing exercises with me.

"August go get the car ready and warm. Charlotte, honey keep breathing in and out with me and Lana go get Charlotte's baby bag and some extra clothes for her" My mom ordered as Lana and my dad left to do what they were told to do. She and I kept doing breathing exercises until we were on our way to the hospital.

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It had been eleven hours of contractions and after three pushes from labor. Alexandria Anoa'i was born on January 5th, 2008 and she was the most beautiful thing in the world. 

I couldn't be more happy to see her lovely face, literally cried like a cow when the nurse put her on my chest.

"Does anyone want to hold her?" I asked looking up at my family; My sister, my parents, and Lana.

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