Chapter 8 | One In A Million

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Alex and I were out and about on our mother and daughter day. I took Alex to the park for a picnic then we went to the naval aviation museum. She loves seeing all the different aircraft and planes and after that, we went home because her dad was coming. 

I keep her occupied with our little game called, warrior vs warrior; using soft unarmed foam sword as our weapons but in the middle of warrior vs warrior got tired and told Alex when we need a break.

"DADDY!'' Alex cried running to her father in excitement. She was so excited that she almost fell over her legs. I woke up in panic only to relax once I registered who was there.

"Hey baby girl," Joe says with a smile. It seems his mood always brightens up when he sees Alex which is an amazing thing.

"Have you been good to your mother?'' He asked. 

"YEAH! Mommy and I were just playing warrior vs warrior until she got tired and fell asleep!" She giggles. Joe chuckles at Alexandria's excitement and pulls her into his arms before kissing the top of her head.

"Whose flowers are this?" Alex asked, looking behind him. 

"These are for your mother," He says picking Alex down as I was rubbing my eyes. Joe bought my favorite flowers again, sunflowers and roses.

"Thank you, Joe, They're beautiful," I said as he handed me the flowers, I looked at them and smelt them. 

"You're very welcome and how about I take you and Alex out for dinner tonight," Joe says softly with a charming smile

"Yayy, please mommy can we go" Alex begged, doing her puppy dog eyes and Joe did the same. I finally figure out where she gets that from.

"If I said yes would both stopped being so damn cute" Alex squealed with excitement while Joe gives me a smirk.

"So you think I'm cute?" He flirted and I rolled my eyes. "Nah, I just think everyone's cute!!"

Joe rolled his eyes and stood up, "Well, it's a date"

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We were in this very nice Chinese restaurant, in a private area. So no one would bother us while eating our dinner. After dinner, Joe decided to read some of our fortune cookies. 

"Alright, Alex," Joe says with a smile, cracking the cookie and reading it. 

"Aww, you have a special romantic headed your way," He says. 

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