Chapter 13 | Bullshit

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Halloween, October 25th, 2014

"So, baby girl what are you want to dress up for Halloween?" I asked Alex, she started thinking and smiling. Charlie told me that Alex enjoys Halloween just as much as any other kid.

"Um, I wanna be a superhero, supergirl!" Alex bursted out. "Really, a supergirl huh?" Charlie asked. 

I started scratching the back of my head, confused. "I thought you said you were gonna be a princess or something"

"Yeah, I did but I changed my mind I wanna be supergirl." She says determinedly. Charlie held her hand up and said, "Okay"

"What are you gonna be a mommy?" Alex asked. 

"I'm gonna be wonder woman, how about you, Joe?" She asked.

"Oh I don't know, I don't really come up with a costume. You know what, girls what should I be for Halloween?" I asked and Charlie started putting on her thinking cap.

"Okay, how about Superman/Clark Kent. I'll be Wonder Woman, Alex will be supergirl and you can be superman" Charlie says happily. "I like that, let's go get them!"

I smiled, we all got our shoes on and went to the party city store. Once we found our costumes and bought them, we were all ready for Halloween.

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