Chapter 1: The Neighbor From Hell.

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Him. I can't stand him. He is constantly trying to ruin my life. Constantly annoying me and always nagging. He makes me cringe. Just the sight of him makes my skin crawl. Who? My neighbor. My brothers best friend. Styles. Harry Styles.

Since that dreaded day he moved in. A day that'd change my life forever. *flashback. I'm outside on my front porch, reading a book when a truck pulls up next door. A floppy brunette haired boy hops out along with a very pretty older girl, glued to her phone. Louis bursts out of our house jerks me out of my chair and drags me over to meet the new neighbors.

"hello. name's Louis. Louis Tomlinson. This is my sister Jenna. We live right next door." the girl glued to her phone finally looks up and greets us. "I'm Gemma and that twat there is my little pestilence of a brother Harry." Gemma glues herself back to her phone and scurry's inside. Me and Louis are left with the curly haired Harry.

I grab a box from the truck and go to take it inside. Harry looks at me, slaps the box out of my hands, and tells me to never touch his stuff again. I run away, as my brother and Harry start to laugh at me. *end of flashback.

And that my friends is why I can't stand Harold. Since that day, It's been 6 years and things haven't changed a bit. I can't stand him, and he can't stand me. My retard of a brother became best friends with him, and I haven't seen the end of it.

Today's the first day of our Junior year in high school, and I am dreading it. I look at my schedule in hand and head off to my home room class. A few people I recognize, my brothers friend Niall, the adorable brown eyed Liam, and of course the pestilence Harold.

Oh I almost forgot, my brother and 4 of his friends have a little band called One Direction. It consists of the Irish lad Niall Horan, whom I have Homeroom, Chemistry, and gym with. Zayn Malik, the dreamy, tough looking softie, whom I have History, and Language with. Liam Payne, the dreamy brown eyed hunk, I was infatuated with, whom I have Homeroom, Chemistry, and Maths with.

And yep, you guessed it. The faggot man whore Harry Styles, whom with I have Homeroom, Maths, and Gym. Then you have my typical sassy prep brother Louis, whom I share a house with, along with History and Language at school.

Today is Niall's birthday and Louis wants to take him to ride a new roller coaster and at the theme park downtown. "hey Jenna, you coming with us to ride the new roller coaster this afternoon?" Niall asks. Harry smirks, "is it a roller coaster into your mother?" I punch Harry's arm. That, that is the reason I cannot even stand him. Always being a pervert and never respecting a girl.

"Harry Shutup. Are you coming with us Jen?" Liam remarks politely. "uh I guess so." I trail off as my cheeks flush bright red. Liam Payne. Always making me blush. He smiles at me and I smile back. Harry coughs "loser." i roll my eyes. The bell rings, I jump out of my seat and dash into the hallway to find my friends. Being around all of this testosterone makes me insane sometimes.


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