Oh, Tord's back

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Tom Pov:

"Yay the children is on!" me and Edd yell. me, Edd, and Matt cheer.

"My face is so beautiful!" Matt yells.

"That's what you're happy about?" I ask Matt.

"Of course, What else would I be happy about?" Matt asks. I face palm.

We hear a knock at the door. I feel like the only 1 that heard it... or everyone else is ignoring it. We hear another.

"No please, let ME get it," I say and get up.

I shuffle to the door and open it. Right when I see the color red I slam the door and lock it. "HOLY BANANAS RIDING A MONGOOSE!" I yell as I hold myself up against the door for dear life.

"Who is it Tom?" Edd asks me without removing his gaze from the tv.

"Someone," I say.

"Tom," Edd says.

"Let's just continue watching tv," I say with a nervous chuckle, trying to change the subject.

When I walk just a little from the door the door swings open. I don't even dare look behind me.

"Hello old friends," I hear in a all too familiar Norwegian voice.

I turn around to see Tord in a different appearance then the last time I saw him. He looks even uglier than before.

"What are you doing here Commie?" I ask him. "I thought you'd be dead after I shot a harpoon into your frozen solid heart,"

"Yes well, sadly it didn't shatter. Only a minor fracture," Tord says with a ass eating grin. I fold my arms.

A commercial comes on the tv. Edd looks up to see Tord. "Oh, Tord's back," he says.

I facepalm.

Matt finally look away from his mirror and gives Tord a terrified face. "W-what happened to your face?.." Matt asks Tord. Tord has scares all over his face and his once orange eye is now grey.

"It was a parting gift Tom gave me," Tord says. "I also got this cool robotic arm!" He lifts his right sleeve of his red hoodie and reveals a robotic red arm with a blue light shining in the palm.

Edd runs up to him and pulls the robotic arm into his hands. "COOL!!" He yells.

"NOT COOL, why the hell are you back Commie?!" I scream before anything gets even more weird.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for everything I did to you guys, I feel terrible and I'll do anything to get your forgiveness," Tord says.

"Buy us a new house," I say.

"Anything but that," Tord says.

"Why the hell should we forgiv-"

"I forgive you!" Edd says.

"WHAT?!" I scream.

"He's got a cool new arm, how can I not forgive someone who has that?" Edd says.

I sigh. "How does that even make sense," I say.

"I'll never forgive you Todd, you hurt my beautiful face," Matt says.

"Oh thank Jehovah," I say.

"I'll buy you a new mirror," Tord says.

"Your forgiven!" Matt says.

"I give up," I say.

"So you also forgive me Jehovahs Witness?"  Tord asks.

"Not in a billion years Commie," I say.

"Awe too bad, I guess I have to keep trying  to get it earlier then a billion years," Tord says.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, Tord's staying with us again," Edd says.

"Are you serious?" I ask.

"Yep!" Edd says.

I then walk out the front door and to my apartment without another word.

Tord Pov:

"Don't worry Tord he probably won't come around," Edd says and pats my back.

"Don't get your hopes up Edd, I can probably make him forgive me," I say.

"How do you plan on doing that?" Edd says in a amused sounding voice.

"With my charms," I do a some what sexy grin.

Edd bursts out laughing. "That grin doesn't work on your face at all now Tord!" Edd says between chuckles.

I groan. I hate my new appearance. That smile used to get me so popular with women. But now I bet only guys would find me even the smallest bit attractive now. God it's great being bisexual though.

"How about we watch a movie?" Edd suggests.

I just need to get into Tom's apartment and get out of this situation and find the device.

My plan is to get a device I hid in 1 of Tom's possessions a while back. Such a bad decision hiding it in it, he never even lets me close to it after I accidentally almost burned it. I just know this item holding my device is still with him. It has to be. Even though I destroyed their old house.

"Yeah! I'll go get Tom," I say.

I walk out the front door. I knock on a door with the name Tom inscribed on it. It opens and I see Tom.

"What do you want Commie?" Tom asks me.

"Edd wants to watch a movie so I decided I'd come get you," I say and put my hands in my hoodie pocket.

"Fine," Tom says and starts walking to Edd's apartment.

I look at his front door. Getting in now would be a bad idea. I walk behind Tom to Edd's apartment.

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