Thank You God For Hearing Me Out

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Tord Pov:

"What the hell do you mean?! It's been weeks and you still can't find them?!" I yell.

"We're doing the best we can Sir, you need to relax," Paul says.

"How can I relax when the possibility of them being dead is high?!" I yell.

"We've searched London, they might've escaped to another country," he says.

"Ugh fine, just keep looking. You're dismissed," I say.

"Sir I have 1 question before I leave," he says.

"Yes?" I ask and rub my temples.

"Why do you want to find the people you were just using?" he asks.

"I wasn't using them," I say.

"But you didn't go there for friendship, you went there for the device. Right Sir?" he asks.

"It's complicated, just go," I say.

"Yes Sir," Paul solutes and then leaves.

I hope I find them soon.

Tom Pov:

We've been in this old house for so long, we haven't had energy to run to the abandoned gas station. We managed to go once without getting caught, but we weren't able to get much either. I haven't slept in ages as well, Tommy Bear always made my stress go away. Now I'm stuck being a insomniac in a old house that smells like garbage, which did I mention THAT ALSO KEEPS ME AWAKE.

I lay on my dirty old bed and look at the ceiling. I hear my door open. "Hey Tom," I hear Edd say.

"Hello," I say without looking away from the ceiling.

"Still can't sleep?" Edd asks.

"Yep," I say.

"Tom, do you think.. we could try to escape the country?" I look at him.

"Escape the country? That's insane Edd, we'd get caught for sure!"

"Right.. that was a stupid idea wasn't it.."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to sound harsh. I'm not feeling well,"

"It's alright, I understand. Tom can I ask a question?"

"Of course," I sit on the edge of my bed.

Edd sits next to me. "Why didn't you say you were bisexual all these years we've been together?"

"I was afraid, I didn't want you to leave me,"

"I would never leave you for that! I'm not homophobic at all!"

"I know, just anxiety ya know?"

"Yeah I get it. If I were bisexual or gay I'd be nervous too,"

Matt walks in.

"Hey guys," Matt says.

"Hey" me and Edd say in unison.

"Could we attempt to go to the gas station? I'm really hungry," Matt says.

"Yeah, let's try it. Any volunteers?" Edd asks us.

"I'll go," I say.

"You sure Tom? You're exhausted," Edd asks me.

"Look, even if I do get caught it's better than all of us," I say and get up and grab my hoodie from a old rocking chair. "Besides, he probably wants me the most if he manages to get me,"

"He wants all of us Tom, don't be that way," Edd says.

"He got horny for me Edd! He probably wants to do it again, and this time I'll be sober. Not saying I'll agree, but he has a army so he might make me," I say.

"Ew rape," Matt says.

"He wouldn't do that Tom, he still has a heart," Edd says.

"If he had a heart he wouldn't kill The Queen. He only loves power, that's what Commie's like him only love," I say.

"Don't you kind of wish he still cared about us?" Edd asks.


"Yes," I say. I get my checkered vans on and pull my hood up, I walk to the door. "If I don't come back it's because the Commie got me."

I walk out the door without a goodbye, I'm probably going to regret that later.

I run down the side walk of the abandoned London street. I once in a while see a red army soldier, so I hide in or behind something. I finally see the abandoned gas station and I run in.

London isn't supposed to be abandoned I think, I'm pretty sure they killed too many people and now no one wants to live in a commie infested city.

I run around and grab as much as I can carry. I run back out the door.

Tord Pov:

I finally decided to take things into my own hands and search around London myself. Paul and Patrick are 2 of my 'Special' soldiers. During the Zombie Apocalypse they were the 1's fighting with me and they usually fly my planes, not very well though I might add.

I just know that Edd, Matt, and Tom would stay here. They're not dumb, they know they'd get caught easily if they left London. They just have a good hiding spot, and they refuse to come out of it.

I walk around slowly so I can see every building and try to find a trace of where they went. Please god just give me a sign.

I see blue at the corner of my eye. I look to my left to see a alleyway where a man in a blue hoodie holding food running past it on another street. I run down that alleyway and turn to see the blue hoodie man running up the street. I run after him and yell, "HEY!"

The blue hoodie man runs faster. I should've exercised more, he's getting away! I start to get out of breath, but to my relief I see the blue hoodie man slow down. He must be getting tired too. I run as fast as I can and manage to tackle him, he drops his food.

"GET OFF!!" he yells and struggles.

"STOP MOVING!" I yell.

He kicks me off and gets up quickly. I grab his ankle and he falls. He stops moving, I guess he hit his head hard enough to pass out. I get up and walk over to him. I turn him over to see his face.

Just as I suspected.


I look over at the food he dropped. It was mostly chip bags and cola. I need to bring him back to base quickly before he wakes up. I pick him up and carry him over my shoulder. I make my way back to the base.

Thank you god for hearing me out.


Hey! I can't believe how many views I'm getting! I want to thank you all for reading my trash. I usually like to write to about 1,000 words, and I love to leave cliffhangers.

I'm going to be using bold for now on so its's easier to know which is story and which is author's note.

Love you guys!! 💙💙

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