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Tom Pov:

I can faintly hear voices.

"Everyone retreat! We got what we came for! I repeat! everyone retreat! We got what we came for!"

They get fainter.

"Don't worry Tom, you're safe now,"

And fainter.

"Tord can't hurt you anymore,"

My eyes flutter open and I see a light blue ceiling. I sit up slowly. I look at my wrists, they have rope marks on them. I look around me.

I'm in a bed like my old 1 that was at my old apartment, except much more soft. I see things I would like in a room like, a bathroom, carpet, and blue instead of white on everything.

I see a opened closet. I see, clothes and a few hoodies hanging in it, some checkered vans like my old ones but brand new in front of the closet, and a note.

I get up from the bed. I'm just in a ASDF Land Stay Safe t shirt and some pajama pants. I walk over to the closet and pick up the note.

Dear Tom

Good Morning! I want you to play: Find The Party! Get dressed in these clothes and then walk out that door. Follow the notes and you'll find us!

Love Edd

Edd? Am I in The Rebellion Base?

Why aren't I freaked out? Without Tord I'm supposed to be freaked out.

I'm... calm? I haven't been calm ever since Tord attacked London.

This feels nice.

I get dressed into the fresh clean clothes. I think they gave me a bath or something because I feel much cleaner than I ever was at The Red Army Base.

I feel so refreshed.

I walk to the door and open it. I look down the hallway and I immediately see a note. I run up to it and read it.

Dear Tom

I see you found the first note! There's something on the floor if you haven't seen it yet. They'll be at every note now!


I look down and pick up a blue rose. It has no thorns, they must've cut them off or something because it's definitely not fake. I walk down the hall.

I've collected 28 roses which I bet that's what they were aiming for because that's how old I am. I make it to a hallway and I walk down it. I see big double doors to my left.

I read the last note I got again.

Dear Tom

This is the last note! Keep walking down this hallway until you see double doors!


I stand in front of the double doors. I take a deep breath and open them both at once.

I see almost 100 people in front of me in a big room, but the first people I saw was...

Edd and Matt.

"WELCOME BACK TOM!!" They all yell. I start crying.

There's cake and balloons like it's a birthday party. Which I should add that it is not my birthday, but this would be the perfect 1 if it was.

Edd and Matt run up to me and hugs me tightly. "G-guys.." I say threw tears.

"We missed you so much Tom.." Edd says.

I sniffle and smile. "I missed you guys too," I say.

The next thing that catches my attention is the flag that's being held by a pole.

They actually added me into The Rebellion Flag. I cry more. "I love you guys so much!" I yell and hug them tighter.

"We love you too Tom," Matt says.

"Let's go eat the cake now! Elisa made it and she is the best baker!" Edd says and grabs my hand. And we run toward everyone else.

Tord Pov: *Right After Edd Retreated*

Why the hell did they retreat? They were winning! Well I got to get back to Tom before he starts getting suicidal. I run to the place I told Pat to put Tom. When I make it to the tree all I see is cut rope on the ground and a note with a knife sticking it to the tree.

I get panicky and runs over to the note. I read it.

To Red Leader

I can't believe how much you put Tom threw. He was talking to himself at this very tree, it wasn't a nice conversation might I add. I saw and heard him begging not to be left behind and of course you tied him to a tree to make him even more messed up than he already is.

You're sick Tord, we're NOT giving Tom back.

Tom is officially Blue Leader now.

Green Leader

Oh god...


Tom Pov: *After the Party*

"This was great! Thanks so much guys!" I say to Edd and Matt.

"This was for all of us Tom don't you take the spotlight," Edd says and chuckles as he drinks his cola.

"This was a amazing party, even if it wasn't for me," Matt says.

"Same old Matt," I say and laugh.

"Hey! I'm not old!" Matt says.

I pull a white hair out of Matt's hair and shows him and I raise a eyebrow.

"Oh god I'm old!" Matt says. Me and Edd laugh.

Edd grabs another cola and pops it open, he pulls a pill case from his pocket. He walks over to me.

"Tom you need to take your meds now," Edd says with a comforting smile.

"I have medication now?" I ask.

"Only at night time, it helps with anxiety and insomnia," Edd says.

"Oh! That's why the voices weren't speaking to me today!" I say.

"Yep! These meds are pretty cool," Edd says. I take the pills and the cola. I was about to throw the pills into my mouth, until I realized something.

Is Tord upset that I'm here? I doubt he just let Edd take me with permission, especially after they attacked base. Why am I making myself sound like Tord's property.

"You okay Tom?" Edd asks.

"Oh! Yeah, sorry just got lost in thought," I say.

I take the pills.

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