I have a confession

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Tom Pov:

I wake up from sunshine in my eyes. I sit up on my bed. Ugh I have a migraine. Stupid hang overs. I look at my bedside table and see Advil with water next to it. I throw the pills in my mouth and use water to swallow it.

Geez I had a weird dream. I had a dream me and Tord did a lot of nasty things. You know those dreams that are so real that a part of you gets hurt where ever you get hurt in your dream? Well my ass hurts badly. It'll probably go away soon.

At least I have clothes on, that means it was a dream. Otherwise I'd be freaking out right now.

I walk out of my room and unexpectedly see Tord cooking breakfast. "Hey," I say. He looks away from a pan and looks at me.

"Hey Tom!" Tord says with a smile. He seems... happy.

I sit down at the table. I yelp, either Tord doesn't hear it or ignores it. Jehovah that hurt! My ass is really hurting, I hope the Advil kicks in soon.

Tord puts plate of pancakes in front of me. He is smiling way too much. What is up with him. "Why are you so happy?" I ask.

"Oh, no reason. Just woke up in a good mood," he says.

"Okay?..." I say. Once he gives himself a plate and starts eating I decide to start eating as well.

Tord Pov:

I had to cover up what happened last night, so I put clothes on Tom and a bit of makeup to cover a big hickey I gave him. Thank god he doesn't remember anything. He'd probably have my head if he found out.

Honestly after last night I really want to be nice to Tom, which is very unusual for me. I feel like I kind of grew a bond with him in a way, even if he doesn't feel the same way.

"How'd you sleep?" I ask.

"Okay," he says.

"That isn't very descriptive. Did you dream of anything?" I ask.

"Honestly you really wouldn't want to know," he says.

"Come on tell me!" I say.

"No, it's embarrassing," he says.

"I'll do anything you want if you tell me," I say.

"Give a example of the most extreme thing you would do for me first," he says.

"I'll sing along to Sunshine Lollipops and Rainbows," I say.

"Oh," he says.

"I'm that desperate," I say.

"Promise not to tell any living thing EVER," he says.

"I promise," I say.

"We were doing nasty things together in it," he says. Holy crap he does remember! In a way. We both blush.

"Wow," I say and laugh nervously.

"Yeah," he says and looks away from me.

"That's a weird dream," I say.

"I know right... now you have to listen to me," he says.

"What do you want Master?" I ask.

"Don't call me that," he says.

"Prince?" I ask.

"Say My Lord!" he says.

"Alright, My Lord. What would you like me to do?" I ask.

"Give me a while to think of a good idea," he says.

"Okay My Lord!" I say and smile. We continue to eat our food.

When I finish and I see Tom eat his last bite. Before he could even touch his plate again, I pick it up along with mine. I go to the sink and start to wash the dishes. "Thanks?" Tom says.

"Your welcome My Lord!" I say.

"Are you really taking that whole My Lord thing seriously?" he asks with amusement in his voice.

"Yep!" I say. Tom laughs.

"If you keep this up then I might actually start to like you," he says.

I smile at him. "How about we go out today?" I ask.

"Okay, I'll go get Edd and Matt," he says and gets up.

"I mean just you and me My Lord," I say.

"Where are we going then?" he asks.

"I was thinking swimming!" I say.

"That's not a bad idea Commie," he says with a smile.

"Great!" I say, excitedly.

Tom Pov: *A Hour Later*

"Smell that fresh air!" Tord says.

"I guess it's pretty cool," I say and smile.

Tord takes his t shirt off. I blush a bit and look away as I slip my shirt off. We already have our swim shorts on.

"Come on My Lord!" Tord says and grabs my hand. He pulls me into the beach water. He splashes the water on me and I splash back.

This is oddly not lame.

After a day of swimming we decide to head back home. "I call shower first," I say to Tord.

"Fiiiiine," Tord says.

I open our apartment and quickly go to the bathroom. That was actually fun, which is weird to have with a Hentai Loving Commie. I wonder how he got a robotic arm water proof.

I look in the mirror. I look.... refreshed? Happy? I'm smiling for some reason, it kinda hurts. Wait a minute... what's that? I close up my neck to the mirror. I rub something off of it.

I scream.

Tord Pov:

I hear Tom scream and I run to the bathroom. I open the door quickly to see a freaked out Tom. "Tom! What's wrong?!" I ask.

"Wh-why didn't you tell me it wasn't a dream?.." Tom asks me. I see tears form in his eyes.


"What are you talking about?" I ask, nervously.

Tom fully faces me and points to a big hickey on his neck. "WHERE THE HELL DID THIS COME FROM IF IT WASN'T A DREAM DUMBASS?!" Tom asks in a loud and upset voice.

"Tom..." I say. What the hell should I even say? If I tell the truth he'll hate me forever, but I can't lie because I have no explanation for the damn hickey!

"TELL ME TORD!!" Tom yells.

I guess the truth is the best choice. "Last night.. you got really drunk. You kissed me and I got...turned on.." I say.


Tom starts crying. "YOU FUCKING JERK!!" Tom yell and pushes me out of the way of the door. I go after him and he runs out the front door.

"Tom wait!" I yell. I should've just lied...

Edd Pov:

I watch TV until I hear the door open, I should start locking my door more often. I look at the door to see a upset Tom. "Tom! Are you okay?!" I ask. I run up to him. He's wet in some areas and he smells like the beach.

"C-Can we talk Edd?.. I'm having a hard time today..." Tom asks me.

That's weird, Tom never talks about that kind of thing. He's always kept things to himself. "Of course Tom." I say. I close the door and we sit on my couch. "What's going on?"

"T-Tord he..."





"I have a confession."

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