Dimentional Teleporter

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Max Pov:

"Mom we have guests!" Venus says.

Venus is the boy I saved from the truck. I never even recognized his demon features before. He has blue horns and a blue tail that glows like everyone's does.

"Bring them into the kitchen Darling!" we hear.

"Come on!" Venus says.

Venus told us that his Mother always lets children with no homes into their house. He's usually very cautious on who he brings in, but he decided to bring us because I saved him. That's what he told me and Jackie at least.

We walk into the kitchen. Everything looks so futuristic inside while the outside looks like the common era. Venus's Mother turns around from the sink and gives us a friendly smile.

"Hello darlings, my name is Titania! If you're here to stay for a while just make yourself at home," Titania says.

"Thank you Mrs!" Jackie says. Thank god for Jackie teaching him manners.

"Your welcome darling. Now Venus, won't you show them around dear," Titania says.

"Of course Mom!" Venus says. He turns to me and Jackie. "Follow me! Our house is huge so pay attention!"

"Okay!" Jackie says.

Tom Pov:

Me and Tord walk into base from our vacation. Everyone seems to be in a panic.

"What's going on Tord?" I ask Tord.

"Beats me," Tord says.

"I should probably find Nathan and Chelsey and figure out what's going on,"

"Yeah you go do that, I'm going to check on the new machine that got delivered while we were away,"

"How do you know about it?"

"Paul texted me. He's been keeping me updated, but he never said anything about everyone panicking,"

"Alright let's split then,"

"jeg elsker deg min kjære," Tord says.

"jeg elsker deg også Tord," I say.

We quickly peck each others lips and part ways.

Tord Pov:

I finally make it to the machinery room and I look for a crate.

I see a big machine with a huge door. There's bold letters inscribed on the front of it. It says 'Dimensional Teleporter'.

Someone already opened it?

But wh-

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY'RE GONE?!!" I hear someone scream.

I quickly run out of the Machinery room.

Max Pov:

"And this is you and Jackie's room!" Venus says.

We open the door to see a room with 2 blue beds with beautiful and detailed designs on them. We also see many toys, lights, and a big TV.

"WOAH!!" Jackie yells.

"Well that's about it for the tour. You guys can take a break until Mom's done with dinner," Venus says.

"Okay!" Jackie says.

"Thanks Venus," I say.

Venus then closes the door and we hear him walk away.

"This bedroom is way better than at Other Daddy's place!" Jackie says.

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