I Love You Tom!

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Tom Pov:

My eyes flutter open as I slowly wake up. I quickly sit up. I look around. I'm in a bedroom, it has a closet and I apparently was asleep in a bed with light blue sheets and and white pillow. The room is pretty blank accept for a plant in a corner of the room, which doesn't really make it any less blank.

How did I even get he- oh right... who tackled me again? It must've been a stupid soldier of that Red Commie bastard. I remember a Norwegian voice accept yelling at me though, probably just 1 of his Norwegian soldiers or something.

The door knob jiggles and opens. I see a familiar Norwegian man with horns for hair, a robotic arm, scars all over his face, and that dead looking grey eye.

I growl. "Hey," Tord says. I'm surprised to see he has just a red hoodie on instead of his stupid army outfit.

"Don't you hey me Commie," I say and growl more.

"Tom, I just want to apologize,"

"As I said from the very beginning, I won't forgive you even in a billion years," I say.

Tord sighs. "Understandable,"

"At least you're being rational for once,"

"I'll apologize anyway. Tom I'm truly sorry for everything and I'll do anything to make it up to you,"

"Let me go,"

"Anything but that,"

"You're insane Tord,"

"I got that already,"

"No I'm serious, you're bloody insane and that'll never change. I can't believe I started to like you, I see I made a huge mistake for trusting you,"


"A real friend wouldn't have penetrated me without consent, for Jehovah's sake friends don't fuck (I made him curse! Muhahah) friends! Only lover's do that thing! I don't like to do 1 night stands Tord!"

"I'm sorry Tom!"



"You're really upset about that huh..." Tord says.

"You took my first time with a guy, of course I'm upset," I say.

"What if I said that I love you and I don't want it to be a 1 night stand?"

"I wouldn't believe you," I get up from the bed and stretch. Tord walks toward to me. "What are you doing Com-"

He pushes me back on to the bed and pins me. I struggle, but I've grown really weak from not eating.

I struggle. He then kisses me, but I keep struggling. This isn't a rough kiss, it's really gentle and feels nice in a way- NO TOM IT DOESN'T FEEL NICE, IT FEELS HORRIBLE. He keeps kissing me and I melt into it without much choice. I stop struggling.

He was obviously waiting for me to calm down because he pulls away, but without loosening his grip on me. I blush and look at him with wide eyes. "T-Tord what the h-hell?" I ask.

"Tom I love you and I want to only kiss you from now on," Tord says. My blush gets redder.

"Y-your lying..." I want to believe him so bad, but I know I can't trust him.

"I'm not lying 1 bit, I want you and only you,"

"You just want me to fall for you so you can break my heart in the end!" I really don't believe that, but I need to convince myself it's true.

"Tom, I'm serious. I love you and I'd never break your heart in a billion years,"

My brain wants to reject him, but my heart wants to love him back so bad! I can feel my heart's excitement by how fast it's beating in my chest. I want to kiss his lips again so bad!


"You need to believe me Tom!"

"I can't Tord!"


"Because it'd be insane to believe someone like you can love!"


I see hurt feelings all over his face. He quickly gets off me. He backs up as I sit up. He runs out the door.

"Tord wait!" I yell

The running sound fades away quickly.

I screwed up so bad...

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