CHAPTER 2: My New Mission

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It feels so good to be here at a beach house in the Hamptons. I have always wanted to go here but wasn't able to because of all the travelling I've had to do for my job as a spy for the past several years, not to mention the time I have not spent with my buddies. None of them know what I do of course, in fact, they all think that I've been travelling as part of a company that I own that has to do with websites. 

Luckily, I am able to have them meet me here at the beach house and for us to catch up and have fun together like the old days. I miss them. 

After getting settled into my room and grabbing a beer, I hear the front door open and know exactly who it is. 

I go and start greeting my friends as they come walking in, looking around amazed. Then they see me. 

"Hey man!" My best friend Joseph says as he walks up and gives me a bro hug. 

"Hey!" I reply. 

"It's good to see you." He tells me. 

"It's good to see you too." I tell him. 

Then the rest of the guys and I say 'hi' to each other and try to catch up while drinking some beer. 

Then after a while, Joseph suggests we go out and have some fun. 

"Sounds good. Why don't we all get ready and head out in twenty minutes." I suggested.

"Alright." One of my friends replies. 

We all head upstairs to get ready to go out and I know that I'll have fun tonight, however, because of my line of work and how I treat everyone like a suspect, I'm debating if whether or not I should bring my gun with me, just in case. However, I quickly determine not to and start heading downstairs. 

We pull up and get out to start making our way into a club that seems to be really popular. Little do my friends know that I actually know the owner of this place and told him I was going to be in town, so he made sure we were able to get in. 

As we walked up to the two bouncers outside of the place, I told them my name and the bouncer then stepped aside to let me and my friends come in. 

The looks on my friends faces were priceless. 

"Damn, must be nice having all that money to be able to get into places like these without having to wait." One of my friends comments. 

"Yeah well, I figured since it's been a while since we last hung out, I thought I'd make it up to you all this Summer." I tell them. 

"Fine with us." Joseph says as we step inside the place. 

We start making our way towards an empty table that's off to the side while I walk up to the bar to grab us some drinks. 

While waiting for the redheaded bartender to take my order, I notice she's helping all these other people and ignoring this one girl at the end who's trying to wave her hand and call out to her so she could get the bartender's attention. But this woman is ignoring her. She then spots me and approaches me quickly with a smile and bends over to where her boobs are hanging out of her shirt practically. 

"What can I get you sexy?" She asks. 

"I'd like for you to do your job and give that girl down the bar there whatever she wants. Then afterwards, grab me a five beers." I tell her while nodding my head in the direction of the girl at the end of the bar. 

The bartender rolls her eyes in disgust and then stomps her way down to the girl and I see her grabbing a couple of beers and handing them to the girl before grabbing me several and handing them to me. 

"Here you go, honey. Is there anything else I can get you?" She asks seductively. 

"No." I tell her as I grab the beers and leave just enough money for the beers and no tip then walking back towards my friends. 

I looked to see where the girl at the end of the bar went, but couldn't see her through the sea of people and the lighting, so I just continued to head back to my friends. 

We all were having a lot of fun and after a few drinks in, I headed off towards the bathroom and began standing in line to wait, which is one of the things I hated about clubs like these, you barely ever had the chance to get into the bathrooms. 

Although, it wasn't entirely bad as I looked down at my phone and then looked up for a second but saw the girl who I had the bartender give drinks to. 

She was beautiful. She had medium-long dark brown hair, curvy and beyond sexy. She probably has a boyfriend though. 

After ten minutes, the line finally moved a little bit, which I noticed hers did also. 

I couldn't stop myself from looking at her and checking her out. I just hope she didn't catch me....Shit, right as I was thinking that, she looked over at me, causing me to look away quickly to hide the embarrassment I felt. 

I had waited a couple of minutes before looking back at her and noticed she was on her phone, smiling. Probably reading a text from her boyfriend. 

It took what felt like forever, but I finally made it to the bathroom and when I came out, I had hoped to have seen that girl still waiting, but it looked like she left. 

At least that's what I thought until I was walking towards my buddies when I saw her on the dance floor with some drunk guy who seemed to be placing his hands on her hips, while she's trying to push him away. Which I can't stand guys like that. I mean, 'no' means no. 

So since this guy clearly doesn't get that, I decided to intervene and walked up to them and decided to do something other than start a fight. Since I would kill him and all. 

"There you are baby." I say as I stand beside her and throw my arm around her waist. 

She looks at me confused but after I wink at her, she quickly starts to realize what I'm doing and begins playing along. 

"Hey." She smiles at me. 

"I'm sorry, that line to the bathroom was way too long." I tell her as I ignore the asshole who's still staring at us. 

"It's okay." She smiles and my god, does that smile make me want to kiss her really bad. 

"Is there a problem?" I ask the douche bag. 

He just shakes his head and stumbles away. What an idiot. 

I then look at her. 

"I'm Jon." I tell her. 

"Evangeline. But my friends call me Eva for short." She says. 

"It's nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind that I did that." I began. 

"No, I appreciate it, thank you." She smiles again with that sexy smile and I start thinking to myself that this Summer will not just be about having fun with my friends, but getting to know this beautiful green eyed, beauty. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)  (Soon, as in when I wake up in the morning.) lol

Sorry, it's been posted so late, time got away from me today but I will post more when I wake up. :):)

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