CHAPTER 28: If It's Meant To Be

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Once I saw Wendi punching one of the guys, I knew then what she was doing. She wasn't betraying me. She was smart in playing both sides just to get to Rudolph easier. 

Then once Evangeline was able to, she carefully but yet quickly made her way over towards me and everyone else and helped to untie us all. Then I noticed her taking Payton and everyone towards the kitchen to hide, which I'm glad. 

One of the guys starts coming up to me and I immediately start punching him and I grab his gun and shoot him in the head before helping Wendi out in doing the same as gunfire breaks out in the room and bullets are flying everywhere. 

"Wendi look out!" I shout at Wendi as a man comes up behind her and she quickly turns around on time and shoots the asshole. 

I begin trying to make my way towards Rudolph and then I see out the corner of my eye, Evangeline leaving? Where is she going?

The next thing I feel is a hard blow to the side of my face that causes me to lose my balance and grab onto one of the chairs we were sitting on and I turn to break it over him, which causes him to fall down and for his gun to fall out of his hands. In which made me be able to grab it and use it. 

Punches were being thrown and gunfire was going off all over the room and still, I wasn't able to get to Rudolph. Then right as I was about to, I felt something hit the back of my head hard, causing me to drop onto the floor and blur my vision a little bit. 

Luckily Wendi was able to shoot him and it seemed as though things were going good for us. We almost were able to kill all of Rudolph's men. Then once they were all dead, I looked around and saw my friends and it looked as though they shot a few people too because of the blood splatters they had on their faces and clothes. 

"Where's Rudolph and Evangeline?" Wendi asks. 

That's when we heard the bloodcurdling loud scream coming from down the hallway. We all started running out of the room, with me in front of them as we made our way down to the room where I stopped immediately once I saw what I did. 

In front of my feet, in the middle of the floor were both Rudolph's dead body and her father's friend's dead body. Then I looked up and saw Evangeline holding her dad, crying really hard and yelling loudly out, 'No!' several times. 

I walked over to her to try and comfort her but she didn't want to leave him. 

"Why would he kill himself? Rudolph asked to give him the flash drive, which I thought you had anyways and then the next thing I know, My dad tells me he loves me and then turns to shoot at Rudolph before turning the gun onto himself." She sobs. 

I put my arms around her and pull her into my chest where she continues to cry on while holding me close with her father's blood on her hands. 

"Shhh. It's okay. I'm so sorry." I apologize. 

"Why? Why did he have to kill himself?" She asks while continuing to sob. 

"I'll tell you later. But for right now, we need to leave." I tell her. 

I then hear Payton and everyone come running inside the room and stopping abruptly as they see the three bodies. Payton then comes running over to help comfort Evangeline. 

"We need to leave." I tell everyone.

So I pick her up bridal style and we start to make our way downstairs and out into one of the cars there and started driving away. We drove for a few hours before finding a rundown hotel and I got us all rooms and everyone shared a room except for me and Evangeline. I wanted to be with her. So we got into our rooms and both of us took a shower but Evangeline didn't say anything. She didn't even make eye contact with me since we got in the car. I thought that her body was still in shock from what all had just happened or and that she might be mad at me for telling her that I would talk to her later about the flash drive and why her father shot himself. We both ended up going to bed and not talking. 


The next day, we all got into the car and began making our way back to the place that was her father's friend's place to decide what we were going to do next. 

Once we got there, we all sat down in the living room and were quiet for a few moments until I broke the silence and began to go over the plan. 

"So, um..." I began while clearing my throat. "I was thinking that maybe we should head back home. Now that Rudolph is dead and the flash drive has been destroyed, I think it's best we all go back home." I suggested. 

I saw Evangeline look over at me. 

"Wait, what did you want to wait to tell me? And what do you mean the flash drive was destroyed? Did you really have it or my father?" She asks while upset. 

"Your father did. But it wasn't a flash drive. He had a procedure done by the agency to have the files and everything implanted into his head and already sent it to the right people right before he was captured by Rudolph. However, according to the agency, the risk of having those files inside of you, if something were to go wrong, such as the agency being demolished and destroyed, then the only way to get it out is by..." I hesitated. "Killing yourself."

Everyone including Evangeline gasps and then she looks down at the ground and looks as though she's about to cry. 

"You knew?" I hear her. 

"Yes." I nod while avoiding eye contact with her. "I promised him I wouldn't tell you." 

"But what about the flash drive that you had, I saw you have it?" She asks me. 

"It wasn't the right one. It was a diversion until your dad and I could download the real files from his brain with the only technology that could do it, but again, that was destroyed in the agency and we would have had to go to England in order to have an agency there help us....." She stops me. 

"I don't wan't to hear anymore." She says. "You knew that there was a possibility that my father could do what he did and you let him die." She tells me. 

"I didn't know he was going to do that. I thought he had already sent the files and that he would be fine but, he must have done it before coming here and being caught by Rudolph. Either way, I swear that I had no idea." I tried explaining to her. 

"I don't wan't to hear it!" She snaps at me as she stands up. "Now you all can stay here if you want to but I'm getting the hell out of here and going back home." She says and begins storming off. 

I don't blame her and I want to go after her but maybe this is what's meant to happen. My god, I can't believe I fucked this up. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)

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