CHAPTER 16: I Am So Sorry Pumpkin

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"I know there's probably a lot of questions you have for me. As well as a lot of different emotions." I began to tell Evangeline. 

Seeing her is surreal. I never thought I would ever see her again. I've tried to keep track in where she's been at all times, but haven't always been able to with the agency and the others trying to catch me. 

"I do have many questions and emotions. But right now I feel happy and really confused. I mean, you left me and I've believed you were dead this entire time. Then the other day I find out that some men are after me because they think that I have something you left me." I see the tears form in her eyes. 

"I'm sorry." I begin. "There aren't enough words to say I'm sorry. There's no time machine that I can go back in and change everything. I wish I could but I can't. It wasn't easy leaving you. Your mother and I were both spies. We met at the agency around the same time and we fell in love. Which is something that's forbidden in that line of work because it's complicated. But your mother and I couldn't help it. We were willing to risk everything and anything for one another. Then, when you were still little, we left you with your grandparents because your mother and I had to do a mission that we weren't sure either one of us would return from. I told your grandparents to tell you, if anything was to happen to her and I, that no matter what, to tell you I died." I stop for a moment as I begin to think about that night. 

"Your mom and I went to Venice and we were told at first to collect evidence on a flash drive that contained all documentations from all kinds of leaders in the world, including our own, that whoever had a hold of it, they could use it as blackmail against each other. It was the first time that your mother had told me that she didn't feel right about the assignment and I just thought it was nerves because it was the biggest assignment her and I ever had. While I was trying to get the flash drive, your mother was taken. We had been caught and they tortured us both into trying to tell them what we were doing but as a spy, even if you die, you never tell. The next thing I remember, is looking at your mother and her giving me one last kiss goodbye before she pushed me out the window of where we were at to let me escape while she stayed behind to distract the men as they shot her. They shot her in the fucking head." I stop as I feel myself choking up a little bit. 

"So, she saved your life?" Evangeline asks while still in shock. 

"Yes. I wasn't sure in how I was going to tell you but then when I returned back to the agency, I discovered something that I wish I hadn't. I began questioning who the real enemies really were. I felt like my entire career was all a lie and that your mother's sacrifice was for nothing." I shake my head. 

"But why couldn't you come back for me?" She asks. 

"I wanted to but, I was told that if you were ever found, that you'd be tortured and killed and I couldn't allow that to happen to you. I've regretted leaving you just as much as I regretted letting your mother sacrifice herself." 

We both share a moment of silence between each other before she says something. 

"But why do they think I have this flash drive that has all the information you found? Why would they think you gave it to me?" 

"Because something else I found out about the agency was there was a mole. Someone that worked for the other side and they somehow got it into our enemies heads that you have the flash drive. I didn't think they would ever find out you were my daughter, seeing as to how I had your grandparents change your last name. But I guess I failed and I'm so sorry." I began breaking down even more. 

It took a moment of crying into my hands while feeling ashamed and expecting her to punch me or even yell at me. However, instead, she surprised me. I felt her embrace me in a hug and cry on my shoulder and say the very words that I never expected to hear from her. 

"I love you dad. I forgive you." She tells me. 

We then just sit there and catch up some more with one another before heading back in and start thinking up of a plan of what to do next. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

I might re-do this chapter, not sure yet, but if I do, I will let you all know. ;) Unless you guys already like it, then I'll keep it. :);)

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