CHAPTER 15: Can We Talk?

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Throughout the entire plane ride over, I didn't say anything to Jon. I wasn't sure if I was believing what he was saying. How the hell could he be a spy? He's not James Bond, that's only in movies. 

I was mentally exhausted that I fell asleep while laying my head onto Payton's shoulders and was woken up as soon as the plane landed. 

I continued to ignore Jon and not look at him as all I could think of was what he told us and how confused I was still. So when we arrived at his farmhouse that's a secluded location in Indiana, I just went right to bed, I was way too tired to think about doing anything else. 

Then for the next few days, I mostly stayed in bed thinking about stuff and how maybe I should hear Jon out. My gut keeps telling me to do it in hearing him out, plus, I do want to know what's going on. 

Right when I was about to text Jon to see if he wanted to talk, I heard my bedroom door open up and heard the voice I've been missing. 

"Evangeline?" I hear Jon say my name gently as he closed the door behind him. 

I close my eyes and try not to tear up and then I begin to sit up and lean back against the head rest of the bed. 

"Hi." Was all I could get out at first. 

"Hey. I brought you some food. Payton told me you liked subs so, I thought I'd grab you one." HE says hesitantly. 

"Thank you." I tell him while still not looking at him. 

"You're welcome." He says as he walks over towards the bed and sets it down. "I'll see you later." He says sounding sad as he turns and starts walking towards the door. 

"Wait." I stop him. "Do you want to share this with me?" I ask him. 

He lets out a breath and turns to look at me and smiles as he begins walking over and sitting down beside me. 

We both begin eating our half of a sandwich and not talking until I couldn't take the awkward silence anymore. 

"I'm sorry." We both said in unison and then chuckled at ourselves. 

"You have nothing to be sorry about. It's me." He begins. 

"No, I shouldn't have ignored you these last few days and it's not your fault you couldn't tell me what you really did, I get it." I tell him. 

"I want you to know that I am willing to tell you everything. But I also want you to know that I have like you since the first time we met. Before this assignment came up about you, I was already falling for you." He begins. 

"I believe you." I assure him with a smile as he looks at me with a little uncertainty. 

"You do?" He asks. 

"Yeah." I tell him.

"I'm so glad." He says with a breath of relief. 

"But I want to know what exactly is going on. What Maverick meant back at the beach house." I tell him. 

He sets down his sandwich and cleans his hands with a napkin before beginning.

"My boss contacted me after you and I had already been together. She wanted me to try and find a flash drive that your father gave you before he left." He began. 

"But he didn't leave me anything." I tell him. 

"Nothing? Are you sure?" He asks with a confused look on his face. 

"Why?" I ask. 

Then we hear Wendi downstairs call out for Jon and I to hurry up and come down. So we quickly get up and make our way downstairs after I put a pair of pants on and we walk hand-in-hand down into the living room and come to a complete stop as soon as we saw a man standing there talking with Wendi. He reminded me of Michael Keaton and then it hit me right away, oh my god. 

"What the...." Jon began to say in shock under his breath. 

"Dad?" I interrupt them both and he turns to look at me. I'm in disbelief. I thought he was dead.

"Hi Pumpkin." He smiles at me warmly. 

I don't know what to say. I can't believe he's real. No, this has to be a dream. I can't accept this, can I?

"Sir..." Jon began. 

"Please, call me Mr. Keaton." He smiles. Then he looks back over at me. "You've grown so much." He says with pain and guilt on his face. 

"Are you really here right now?" I begin to tear up. 

"Yes. And I know I don't deserve anything but, please, can we just talk for a minute?" He asks with plead in his eyes. 

I should say no but I can't. Rather or not this is a dream, there are so many questions I have to ask him, so many things I need to know. So I nod my head. 

"Okay." I reply. 

We both then head out in the backyard and I have so many mixed emotions. Between anger, fear (of what he might say), sadness and most of all, confusion. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)       

Next chapter will also be her father's POV and will explain what all happened as he's telling her.  :)

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