CHAPTER 5: Paintball Wars

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Last night was one of the best nights I can remember ever having. He's a great kisser but I really liked getting to know him a little more and it turned out we had several things in common. 

After waking up and getting ready for the day, I made my way into the kitchen and began pouring myself some cereal. 

The minute I sit down and begin eating, I hear a knock on the door. Who in the world could that be? I thought to myself. 

I open the door and right away feel like running upstairs and hiding as I see that it's Jon standing there smiling at me with his sexy smile in his tank with board shorts and shoes. Does he just wake up looking this good? I notice him looking me up and down and I quickly try and cover myself with my arms as I'm wearing just tank top and capri PJ's.

"Good morning." He says. 

"Good morning." I reply. 

"Sorry, I didn't wake you up did I?" He asks.

"No." I replied feeling embarrassed. 

"Well, I just wanted to see if you and your friend wanted to join me and my friends today? We're going to go paint balling and have some fun for the day."

"Um, I would have to ask her..." I began but got interrupted by Payton coming up behind me. 

"We would love to hang out with you guys today." She answers for the both of us, smiling. 

"Great." He chuckles. "How about we meet you guys out front here in half an hour?" 

"Okay." I tell him and then shut the door before making my way upstairs with Payton to get dressed. 

"Thanks by the way for speaking for me." I sarcastically remark. 

"Hey, you weren't going to do it and it's obvious you both like each other. So why not?" She winks at me and smiles. 

"I guess you're right." I agree with her before heading into my room to get ready. 

We finish getting ready in less than half an hour and head outside to wait for the guys but looks like they beat us as we see them sitting in the truck. So we get in and start heading towards the paint balling place. 

When we arrived, we looked around the shop real quick for some coveralls that mechanics wore and picked out a helmet along with some paint balls and a gun. 

Once we got all geared up, we headed out and had to wait a few more minutes before it was our turn to play on the obstacle course. As I started watching the people finishing up, these people were pros. To be honest, I was a little bit worried in how I was going to do. 

It seemed like Jon sensed I was nervous because I felt him hold my hand and look at me while telling me that everything was going to be okay. 

So as soon as it was our turn, Payton was Joseph's partner while Jon became mine. 

"Aww come on! That isn't fair." One of his friends complain. 

"Aww poor baby." His other friend teases while putting his arm over the guys shoulder. "I'll protect you." He coos. 

"Shut up man." The guy says as he shrugs his arm off his shoulder. 

"Alright, everyone find a spot you'd like to begin at." The employee told us. 

We all began heading over to our spots as well as the team of people we were playing against. Which I was a little worried still cause I have never played this before and was afraid I would cause our team to lose. 

Jon and I find a place that's by a rickety old shed looking place that had old and fresh paintball splats all over the outside and inside of it. 

He had us stand inside and he began looking around to make sure nobody was around and then looked back at me. 

"Alright, make sure that you do the double roll with your two fingers here on the trigger if you want more balls to shoot out at once." He begins to demonstrate which fingers to use. 

"Okay." I tell him. 

"Okay. You ready?" He asks me. 

"Can't we just stay here?" I asked. 

He just chuckles. "Come on. Just stay behind me." 

I then start following close behind him as we are ducking down while hiding behind posts and then that's when it all begins. The next thing I hear are the balls hitting a tree beside us and he quickly turns around and fires at the guy who shot at us, taking him down. 

Then I feel like everything went into slow with the occasional fast pace as I saw him ducking at the right amount of times to prevent himself from getting hit. He next begins doing what I like to call 'James Bond' type movies by doing military crawls under structures on the obstacle course along with jumping over things as well as rolling on top of things all while shooting. He's taking paint balling to a whole new level. 

Then at the end of the game, it seems like me, Jon and one of his other friends were the only ones left standing. And although the victory of us winning was great, we all were still in shock at what all Jon just did with his moves. Is he James Bond?

Next chapter will be posted soon! :) 

Okay, another short but sweet and cute chapter however, the next chapter will be pretty interesting and not as cute and will be a little bit longer. :);)

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