CHAPTER 3: I Spy with My Little Eye....A Hot Guy

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Payton has been practically begging me to go out tonight when all I really wanted to do was stay in and watch some Netflix and maybe order some take out. However, she wasn't letting that happen. So I finally caved in and am now getting ready to go out to a club that she had googled about and heard it was one of the 'go-to' places here. 

I'm not much of a club person but I thought, what the hell, it is Summer Vacation and the point of this trip was to have fun and try to go out and do things I normally wouldn't do. 

In a way, I was pretty excited when we pulled up to the club. Then the excitement died down a little bit when we noticed a huge line of people trying to get inside. 

"Well, I guess that's that. Come on, let's try another place." I suggest to her. 

"Oh hell no. We're going in to have some fun." She says as she grabs my hand and we start walking towards the entrance where there are two really huge bouncers standing and guarding the door. 

"They aren't ever gonna let us in." I tell her. 

"Yes they will, trust me." She winks at me and then walks up closer to one of the bouncers and starts working her magic and begins flirting with them and the next thing I see is her leaning closer to one of the guys' ear and says something to him that makes him look me up and down, making me feel uncomfortable while he licks his lips a little bit. 

He then nods and motions with his hand for me to come up to them. As soon as I do, he looks me up and down again and bites his lower lip. 

"Enjoy yourselves ladies." He winks at us. 

I glare at Payton wondering what the hell she told him. She better not have whored me off to him or something. 

The music was blaring, lights were going and the place was really crowded, however, it looked like we were gonna have a good time tonight. 

Before I could ask her what she told the guy, a guy approached her and asked if she'd like to dance with him (this happens all the time), so she looks to me at first to see if it's okay, which of course, I don't care and I tell her I'm gonna grab us both a drink. So I begin making my way towards the bar. 

When I get up there though, the hot bartender is paying more attention to all the real pretty model type girls and the other bartender is taking orders while flirting with hot guys at the bar. What the hell?!

So I try making myself known by waving my hand and calling out to them but the only time I am looked at is by the female bartender who takes one look at me in disgust and then turns around and starts helping some guy. I swear, what the hell is wrong with this bitch?

Now don't get me wrong, I know that flirting is part of their thing and all but shit. And even though the guy she spoke with was hot, I still should have been taken care of before him. 

Then I see the hot guy look at me and smile a little bit. At first I look beside me and think he's looking at some girl beside me but there isn't anyone there. Then the next thing I see is the female bartender handing me two beers and tells me that the guy at the end of the bar bought them for me. 

I looked over towards his way and wanted to thank him, but after she handed him his beer, he had left and I couldn't find him through the sea of people. 

I did however, find Payton grinding with some guy on the dance floor so I found a small table off to the side and sat down. I took only a few sips from my beer before feeling like I had to go pee so I got up and walked over to the line that seemed to be longer than the one outside to get in here was. 

I start looking down at my phone and try looking at some funny meme's and right when I looked up for a moment, I saw right across from me, the guy at the bar who bought me the drinks. I don't know why, but I began feeling shy and looked back down at my phone. My god, this guy is hot as hell with his tattoos all over him and his slicked back hair, I mean, shit, he could be a model. 

It looked like this line was never going to move so I went back to the table and of course, I was an idiot to have left the drinks on the table which was now occupied with some people. 

I didn't want to go back up to the bar and go through that headache again, so I tried walking around to find another bathroom and finally found one upstairs with not so much of a line as the one downstairs. Once I was finished, I came out and headed back downstairs when this drunk asshole came up to me and at first asked if I would dance with him. I tried telling him no and walk away but he had grabbed my wrist and pulled me into his chest. I tried to struggle my way free but the guy was really strong.

"There you are baby." I hear a sexy deep husky voice say as I look and see the sexy guy I saw at the bar and in the line for the bathroom a few moments ago. He walks up beside me and I feel him wrap his arm around my waist.

I look at him confused but after I see him wink at me,  I quickly start to realize what he's doing and I begin playing along.

"Hey." I smile at him.

"I'm sorry, that line to the bathroom was way too long." He tells me as we ignore the asshole who I know has to be looking at us. 

"It's okay." I smile at him. 

"Is there a problem?" He asks the douche bag.

The guy just shakes his head and stumbles away. The sexy guy that just saved me looks at me and smiles. 

"I'm Jon." He says.

"Evangeline. But my friends call me Eva for short." I reply.

"It's nice to meet you. I hope you don't mind that I did that." He says.

"No, I appreciate it, thank you." I smile at him and start thinking about if maybe I should get his number before the end of the night. Then again, maybe this guy has a girlfriend. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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