CHAPTER 25: No Choice But To Agree

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While in the bathroom, I tried to pull myself together and not let Rudolph get to me but he is beyond repulsive and gut wrenching not to mention outright disgusting. By the time I felt better and was ready to head back out to find Jon again, I opened up the bathroom door and I saw Wendi standing there.

"Oh Evangeline, thank god I found you. I saw Jon follow Rudolph upstairs." She tells me worried.

"Shit." I reply and I begin following her through the crowd of people who seem to be mostly drunk and so focused on having a good time to worry about anything else. 

When we get upstairs, her and I cautiously walk down the long hallway that is decorated with unusual looking paintings that are a bit disturbing and remind me of something that Scarface would have hanging in his house making me feel really uncomfortable. 

We finally stop in front of a door where we overhear Jon's voice and Rudolph. I turn to look at her and am surprised at what I'm seeing. 

"What the hell?!" I say. 

"Sorry to disappoint you and Jon." She tells me as she's pointing a gun right in my face. "Now turn around." She commands. 

"Why are you doing this? Why would you betray Jon?" I asked her. 

"Please. He made it too easy when he met you. Although it was very nice of you to distract him long enough for me to get the REAL flash drive." She smirks while holding up a red flash drive. 

"You'll never get away with it." I tell her. 

"Watch me." She grins and then grabs my arm and squeezes tightly before she turns me to face the door and tells me to open the door while she shoves the gun on the side of my head as I begin opening up the door and she pushes me inside. 

The moment we walk in I right away see Jon, tied up in a chair, Rudolph standing several feet away in front of him, now turning around to look at us while the few men that work for him are in all corners of the room with their guns drawn at Wendi and I. 

"Wendi." Rudolph smiles and then looks at me with a creepy grin. "And of course, my favorite girl, Evangeline." 

I felt like throwing up from the way my name rolled off of his tongue. 

"Don't fucking touch her or I swear." Jon began to threaten him. 

Rudolph began laughing. 

"Oh Jon, you young couples are so cute." He jokes before looking back at me and walking up to me. "My how you've grown." He says while lightly caressing the side of my cheek. 

"Fuck you." I tell him while making sure I don't cry. 

"Maybe later." He grins at me before looking at Wendi. "What took you so long?" He asks her. 

"Sorry boss, she took forever." She says. 

"What the fuck?!" Jon yells out at her. "You fucking betrayed me." 

"Oh come on. You can't act surprised. Besides, we both know

We hear the door open up and hear Jon's friends and Payton yelling at the men that have brought them all in. Right away, I notice that they're all bleeding from their mouthes and noses and I can't help but feel guilty. 

"We found these guys snooping around." The guy holding Payton says. 

"Good. The more the merrier." Rudolph smiles. "Now tie'em up next to Jon." He tells them and the guys take them over towards where his other men have recently placed some chairs around Jon at. 

"Let them go." I start to beg him. 

"Aww, don't worry Princess, I won't hurt your boyfriend too much." He smirks and walks up to me even closer this time. "And as for you, I was thinking of keeping you for myself." He says. 

"No!" I scream. 

I immediately begin kicking and screaming and he quickly grabs my hair and pulls it back hard while grabbing my face hard. 

"Now you listen to me. If you ever want to see your father, boyfriend, or any of these other people alive, then you will do exactly as I tell you and behave, or else." He threatens me. 

I fight back tears as I look over at Jon who now has duct tape over his mouth as does everyone else that is now tied down to chairs. I close my eyes and then the tears begin to fall from my eyes and I turn to look at Rudolph feeling so sick I might vomit. 

"Okay." I agree with so much disgust in him and in me. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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