002 | Friends

201 12 2

Lilianna's pov

As I walked across the village with Liv I let a smile form on my face, friends always made everything seem better but theirs one thing they can't make better, emotions. It's not like they can take my emotions and make it better.

"What you thinking about" Liv asked as we made our way to the cricket pavilion where we were meeting Aurora, Gabby and Autumn.

"What makes you think I'm thinking about something?" I asked curiously trying to avoid answering her question.

"Your never this quite Lili, don't tell me nothing is wrong because we've been sharing a room for quite some time now and I know that when your quite then theirs something bothering you OR your thinking about something, now spill" Liv folded her arms while she continued walking, she also emphasised the word or.

"I was just thinking about all the revision that I need to do, I think the stress is getting to me alittle" I decided to be honest with her.

"Your one of the smartest girls I know. Trust me you'll do well on these exams and you've got time to choose you don't have to make your mind up right now, we've not even finished school yet" liv grinned as we finally got to the pavilion, Autumn, Aurora and Belle were all sat with their backs against the wooden wall of the pavilion.

"What took you so long. You texted fifteen minutes ago that you were leaving, it doesn't take that long to get here" Autumn grinned as she looks over to Liv and I as we walk towards them. We sat on the steps of the pavilion.

"So we know you've been putting way more pressure than any of us with your exams. You needed to let your hair hair down so we're going to have a drink" Gabby grinned happily opening her bag and pulling out a two bottles of vodka and a bottle of blue WKD which is my favourite drink, uncle Ross let me have a drink once before and it was WKD which i loved.

"You girls are the best but how did you get these" I asked them with a small smile on my face.

"Well Mum had a bottle of vodka in the cupboard and I took it" Gabby smirked.

"And I persuaded Belle to buy us a few bottles of booze and not tell dad" Aurora smiled.

"You girls are the best" I smiled taking the WKD bottle and opened it before taking a mouthful straight away.

"We already knew that" Aurora smirked, I turned and playfully slapped my friend. We both laughed while we continued hitting each other back and forth.

"You two are so childish sometimes" Autumn laughed, sometimes she was like my sister more than a cousin and she was always my Best friend along with the other girls too, I'm truly lucky to have such incredible best friends.

"Guys I have a joke for you" I grinned as I remembered a joke I had read on Facebook, I found it funny but I honestly don't know why I did.

"No! No jokes please" Gabby slurred slightly, we were the only two who had drunk the most everyone else had been sensible

"Go on, let's hear the awful joke" Autumn and Aurora said together as they chucked slightly.

"What's blue and smells like red paint?" I asked giggling to myself taking another mouthful of the vodka I had hold off.

"I don't know Lili, what is blue and smells like red paint?" Liv asked raising her eyebrows towards me.

"BLUE PAINT" I shouted with a wide smile on my face, I laughed at my own joke as I watched my friends laugh but not at my joke.

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