017 | About Mum

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Lilianna's pov

Uncle Robert and I walked towards the café. I was so ready to find out more about my Mum, I wanted to feel closer to Mum or at least find out a whole lot more about her.

"You sit down and I'll get our food and drink in" Uncle Robert smiled as we entered the café, I sat on the sofa behind the door, as I sat waiting for uncle Robert to order I decided to think about what questions to ask my about my mum, what was the most important question to ask when I don't even know her, I don't even remember her.

"Victoria Sponge cake for the young lady" uncle Robert jokes with me as he placed my cake in front of me with a hot chocolate.

"Yummmm" I giggled before thanking my uncle for the drink and the cake.

"So what would you like to know about Your Mum?" Uncle Robert asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

"What was she like when she was my age? Like what did she like to do" I asked my first question which was kind of two in one questions.

"She was exactly like you, she loved drama and looking after people. You are like a mini Grace. You have her eyes and her hair" Uncle Robert smiled as he looked down, it was if he was about to cry

"You remind me so much like Grace, the little things you say to how you act sometimes. She loved to give people pep-talks when people are down and she love to make others laugh. Grace was sporty as well as being so into drama." Uncle Robert continued to tell me about my mum and that I was like her.

"What sports did she like to do?" I asked anxiously, uncle Robert smiled at me.

"She loved Rounders, rowing, running and swimming. She was on the schools rounders and rowing teams where she won so many awards for them, she also won awards for running and swimming but she preferred Rounders and Rowing. I'll find them out if you want to see them" uncle Robert explained to me with a smile on his face, I closed my eyes as I tried to imagine mum with her sport awards, a smile formed on my face as I thought of her.

"I'd like that" I finally answered my uncle when I opened my eyes, I was excited to see so of my dads medals and awards but I was probably even more excited about going to Scotland for two weeks.

"Your smile is exactly like Grace's, your dimples in your cheeks" uncle Robert grinned happily which made me laugh slightly.

"What else did mum like?" I asked curiously sipping my hot chocolate.

"She loved her marshmallows especially dunked in melted chocolate, she'd dunk them in chocolate and then put them on her hot chocolates, kinda like you but you don't put them in your hot chocolates, you freeze them. She'd dunk anything possible in melted chocolate" uncle Robert paused as he laughed slightly to himself.

"What is it?" I asked uncle Robert with a small smile on my face.

"Their was this one time when we were kids Vic, Gracie and I were playing dares, we did it a lot and I dared here to dunk a pepper into chocolate, I didn't tell her it was a really hot one. So grace dunked the pepper into the melted chocolate and she went red as her mouth began burning. It was funny and one of my favourite memories with her" uncle Robert laughed slightly.

"Really? What else did she dunk in Chocolate?" I asked as I laughed about what I was just told about my mum

"Yes really" uncle Robert paused.

"She would dunk carrots in chocolate, she said it was nice but I thought she must have been crazy to think that. When she was pregnant with you she melted chocolate and mixed it with gravy, it was the strangest thing ever but she craved it almost all the time" Robert laughed

"Do you miss her Uncle Robert?" I asked my uncle in a nervous voice.

"All the time, I even wish that sometimes it was me in the car, that I was the one who died so you could have your mum in your life. You never got to get to know your mum and I know how that feels. I know grace would love you and be extremely proud of how much you've grown. I'm also proud of you Lil' so proud" uncle Robert smiled softly as a tear rolled down his face.

"Don't stay that, if you were in the car she would probably have still been the one who died, nothing can change the past. Mum would be so proud of you taking care of me but please let me start living my life more, I'm 16, old enough to buy scratch cards, I'm almost old enough to vote and I want to be more grown up, just please let me" I reassured uncle Robert who nodded

"Okay kiddo" he smiled and I nodded too. I had finally learnt more about my mum and it made me feel as if I knew about her and that was perfect to me.

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