018 | Saying Goodbye

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Lilianna's PoV

The day finally came where I was leaving the village for two weeks and spending it with not only one of my best friends but my crush; Belle Dingle for one week and the second week was going to be with my bestfriend/crush and my bestest friend Aurora Dingle.

"I'm going to miss you" I said softly to my uncle as we stood by Belle's car saying goodbye, I had never really been away from my family since my dad left.

"You'll be fine. Go and have some fun" uncle Robert rapped his arms around me, I glanced up to my uncle who kept his arms around me.

"It's going to be so scary uncle Robert, I've not been away from any of the family since dad left. I'm scared that I won't be alright being so far away from everyone" I explained to my uncle who rubbed my back gently to calm me down.

"Your going to be with Belle. You will have too much fun to be scared" Robert smiled when we both finally pulled away. I said my final goodbyes and got into Belles car.

"Are you ready Lillie?" Belle asked smiling happily and I nodded, I was beyond excited to set of on my first get away without family, I was going to be with my best friend in fact.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2022 ⏰

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