005 | Being Bullied

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Lilianna's pov

As I stood in front of the two girls I knew what was coming. I watched as Amber and Jasmine smirked. I just wanted to get past and go to my lessons but their was no way I was getting past them.

"Your going to mess up this performance, you already forgot your lines yesterday" Amber glared at me folding her arms and leaning against the wall.

"I forgot one line! It's not like I forgot everything I'm saying in the exam. Everyone makes mistakes once in awhile, not everyone is perfect." I stuck up for myself for the first time in forever, it shocked me.

"Oh the little lonely Villager speak's for herself" Amber laughed.

"Do you mind, I've got a class to get to. Unlike you two I care about my education and I'm trying my hardest because these exams are important for my future. I know you two don't care however their are quite a few people who do care in this world and I'm one of them" I said forcefully as I go to step around the two girls stood in front of me.

"Haha, your so funny" Jasmine laughed rolling her eyes stepping in front of me.

"Extremely funny. You skip school, Miss lessons and you can't even spell correctly. Your definitely going to fail you GCSE's and you'll work in McDonald's for your whole life" Amber laughed evilly as I shook my head.

"First off all I can't spell because I have dyslexia, try researching it before you start judging me because of it because I can assure you you'll learn something but that little brain of yours probably wouldn't be able to handle it" I paused smiling at my response to them.

"And Secondly you ones to talk, smoking at the back of the field, Shagging any boy who looks at you. At least I won't have all the STI's going" I folded my arms proud of my response. Before I heard clapping behind me; i glanced behind me and saw Aurora, Liv and Autumn stood behind me.

"Is that all you've got" Amber laughed making me role my eyes as Amber stood up straight and took a step towards me.

"What was said was true" Liv stepped up to my side while I felt Aurora and Autumns hands on my shoulder to show me they were right behind me.

"Awh has the Little Lonely Villager Lilianna lost her voice, does she have to have friends to stick up for her" Jasmine chuckles

"I think we've touched a nerve" Amber laughed as she pushed me backwards laughing.

"Leave it" Aurora whispered to me and I nodded. Liv and Autumn took my hands and the four of us walked off leaving Amber and Jasmine speechless.

"I'm so glad you've finally stuck up for yourself, it only took three thousand years" Autumn joked with me as she nudged my sides gently.

"I would be dead if it took a hundred years let alone three thousand years" I laughed but nothing could stop me from feeling bad for now o treated Jasmine and Amber, I stooped to their level which makes me no better than them but I've learnt I can't let the bullies get the best of me, not now, not Ever.

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