003 | Trouble

161 9 3

Lilianna's pov

After another hour we all decided to make our ways home, It was safe to say that I was drunk along with Gabby while Aurora, Autumn and Liv only had a few mouthful of vodka.

"Aaron and Robert are going to kill you" Liv announced as she held me up right.

"I know" I giggled.

"It's not funny Lili! Your hammered, the booze was meant to be for the five of us to share, you drunk a whole bottle to yourself and practically half of another bottle." Liv frowned as we began to cross the road.

"I know" I giggled again, I just couldn't help myself I had the giggles.

"Now were in for it" I heard Liv grumble, I looked up giggling to see my aunt and uncle leaving the woolpack pub, I knew I would be in trouble but I continued to smile.

"Shit" I heard Liv mumble as we walked towards the house.

"Liv, Lili have you two been drinking?" Victoria asked as they approached us, I had to bite my lip to stop myself from giggle.

"No; what gives you that thought" I asked with a smile on my face.

"Lilianna you need to tell us the truth! Your only 16 and your in my care! What would your mum and dad say if they found out you have been drinking when in fact you should be revising for your up and coming exams" uncle Robert raised his voice, he sounded rather angry and that was to be expected.

"We just wanted to get Lili to let her hair down, she has been stressing too much with the exams and it's not fair in her" Liv said with a proud tone in her voice.

"Lilianna Barton-Sugden! Liv Flaherty you know what could happen if you drink! Your both only 16! Lili I could stop you from going out with Pete and Autumn on the weekend, you've got three days to behave if not your not going to Pete and Ross's this weekend." I didn't want my uncle to be angry as he shouted at Liv and I.

"I'm sorry, we're sorry" I mumbled looking down, I was still drunk but I could now think straight, I knew what we had done was stupid, that I was stupid for getting drunk and uncle Robert was right, we were only 16 we should know better.

"Sorry doesn't cut it Lilianna! Your 16. You need to learn. So I'm grounding you. If you don't behave at school and at home by Thursday then I'm going to be talking to Pete and Ross to tell them that your not going round this weekend" Robert warned me, he sounded stern which is so like him.

"Yes uncle Robert" I nodded slowly with a wave of sickness overcame me.

"And as for you Liv I'll be telling Aaron about this and he can choose what to do with you" Robert warned Liv who also nodded

"Now both of you, home now!" Robert raised his voice pointing in the direction of the house, Liv and I nodded our heads, looked down and walked home knowing we were both I deep trouble and had to prove ourselves to the adults.

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