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Aurora's PoV

"So do you think it's a good idea to see if Lili wants to go and see mum after you've finished your exams? I know mum would like to see her and it would be good for her to get away from the village for a few weeks" Belle asked me as we sat at the table with all my revision guides and practice exam papers I front of me

"Yes I'm sure Belle, Lili hasn't neem herself lately and she needs to get out of the village for a while. I'm sure Robert will agree to letting her go with you" I reassured my older sister who sipped some of her tea.

"What about you? Won't you be coming?" Belle asked me as I read a sentence from the maths revision guide trying to remember how to add fractions.

"If you go for two weeks I'll come for the second week. I've got my ballet and dance exams on the first week after GCSEs. I thought maybe you and Lili could spend some time together just like when we were younger" I grinned, I also knew how much Lili liked Belle even though belle was with Lachlan, I also knew that belle has feelings for Lili even if it's not obvious feelings I know she has some.

"As long as you are sure you don't mind us going together before you?" Belle asked me, I shook my head showing I was sure.

"I'll text Lili and see if she's up for it." Belle then added while I nodded

Belle's pov

When Aurora suggested I take Lili to visit mum I thought it was a brilliant idea, I'd love to spend time for Lilianna, however I knew Lachlan wouldn't be happy about the fact that I'm going with Lilianna. Lili has been one of my friends for as long as I can remember but I have to admit I do have a few feelings for her, but what those feelings mean I have no clue.

"I'll text Lili and see if she's up for it" I added to my sentence and watched my younger sister nod her head. I decided to go to my room to let her do some revision in silence.mi grabbed my phone and walked up the stairs with my phone in my hands.

To Lili⭐️

Hey Lil's I was wondering if when you've finished your exams if you'd like to come with me to Scotland to visit mum. You can say no if you want to but Rory and I both thought you might like to get away from the village for while x

From Lili⭐️

I would love to come with you to Scotland to see Lisa. get to spend some time with you too of course x

To Lili⭐️

Great, we'll meet up next week or organise the trip, make sure you ask Moria and Robert though x

From Lili⭐️

Corse I'll ask them and okayyy x

I smiled to myself when Lilianna had agreed to come to Scotland with me, i couldn't tell why I was feeling like this about Lili especially when I have Lachlan as a boyfriend, I loved him or so I though but the way I feel about Lili is like nothing I've felt before, it was strange and I knew i couldn't tell anyone about it because if Lachlan found out then he'll go mad, not something that is wanted especially when you don't know how you really feel about things.

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