006 | Talking

135 7 1

Lilianna's pov

After school finished I met Robert at the car park and got into the car, we drove home in silence but I could tell Robert wanted to say something, I did too. He was my uncle and my legal guardian, I could keep being angry with him.

"Lili we need to talk" uncle Robert was the first to speak as he pulled up beside Mill Cottage, I fiddled with my seatbelt which was still done up.

"Can I wait until later? I've got so much homework to do?" I lied to try and avoid having any conversation about why I said I hated him, I didn't really want to see him as it is, I lived with him so I had to see him; unless I ask grandma Moria or auntie Vic if I can stay with either them for abit.

"No it can't Lili. You've been acting up for awhile now and it needs sorting. The Lili I know wouldn't say she hates me, she wouldn't complain about me taking her to school so what on earth has gotten into you" Robert asked turning in his seat and looking at me. I didn't look up, my eyes we're fixed on my feet

"Nothing has gotten into me uncle Robert! I am the same Lili I always have been other than the fact I'm growning up." I folded my arms to show how frustrated I was with the fact my uncle thought something had gotten into me.

"Lilianna I can tell when you are lying and this is a lie, now Please tell me what's actually wrong so I can help you" Robert asked as I rolled my eyes.

"You want to know what's really wrong?" I paused to take a deep breath

"What is wrong is that my dad is on the run, my mum is dead and nothing ever stays the same! I get bullied at school because I have dyslexia and I'm probably going to fail my GCSE's. I don't know when or if I will ever see my dad again when we were extremely close" I thought to myself, it's not like I could tell Robert all this, he wouldn't understand.

"I'm just stressed out with my exams coming up, I need to relax I know but these exams are so important for the next step in my future and if I fail them I'll have to re-sit them all and if I have to re-sit that means I'll be a step behind everyone and I don't want that" i announced, it wasn't exactly the truth but it wasn't a lie either.

"But that's still no reason for you to disobey me and back answer me." Robert said in annoyance.

"You know what, I'm going to see if I can stay with Vic or Gran for awhile. Think it'll do is both some good to get away from each other" I opened the car door, undid my seatbelt and made my way into the house where I pulled my phone from my pocket.

To Gran💛

Can I stay with you and Cain for awhile please. I can't stand being around Robert right now xxx

From Gran 💛

What's happened now Lili? You know you are always welcome to stay. Your granddaughter your always welcome here you know that xx

To Gran💛

Thank you Gran, I'll be down later on xxx

I put my phone away and went to mine and Liv's room and began packing for my time with Gran; I was sure this would do both Uncle Robert and I good to get out of each others way for awhile

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