004 | School

141 9 2

Lilianna's poV

It had been a few days since I got drunk and I've started to prove myself to uncle Robert, I've still got today and tomorrow morning for him to decide whether or not I can go to uncle Ross and Pete. I mean uncle Pete is moving in with Rhona on Monday so it'll be the last time I will get to sleep over for awhile, it will be extremely weird with uncle Pete and Uncle Ross not living together. Anyway yesterday at school i decided that I wanted to try for the last show, year 11's every year preform for the teachers and students who get tickets, not every student does it but it's my last chance to do something at school.

"Lili you've got five minutes to get dressed and down here for breakfast. I'm taking tou to school again today!" Uncle Robert called up the stairs, i groaned simply as I threw a my hair into a ponytail adding a fewer hair grips in to keep it tidy. I grabbed my school bag and made my way downstairs where my uncle had a plate with some toast on on the table ready for me.

"When will you let me get the bus with Liv and the girls again?" I asked curiously before I took a bite from the toast hoping I could get the bus tomorrow instead of being taken to school by Robert but I don't get a say in it.

"When you prove yourself to me, Lili. You disappointed me on Monday when you were stupid and got drunk! When you prove yourself Lilianna THEN you can get the bus with the girls again" uncle Robert demanded, I rolled my eyes; it wasn't that I didn't like my uncle taking me to school it's just I know Amber and Jasmine will start on me again; all because I had forgot one line in rehearsals yesterday and I don't want uncle Robert to find out about it when I can take care of it all myself.

"But it's not fair. You don't see any other sixteen year olds being drove to school by their uncle! You don't see anyone else not being allowed to get the bus with their friends. Please just let me get the bus tomorrow" I raised my voice slightly knowing it probably wouldn't work.

"When you prove yourself them you can get the bus! Now finish up and go get in the car!" Uncle Robert raised his voice showing it was clear he was angry.

"Ugh!! I hate you" I screamed putting my plate in the sink, grabbing my bag and storming to the car. I didn't mean it I was just angry, furious in fact and their was nothing to stop me feeling this way. Robert was soon in the car in the drivers seat and we were on the way towards the school where I knew all hell was going to break loose

"Il be picking you up at 3:30 right here" Robert warned me as we pulled into school after a full ride of silence, I just nodded before climbing out of the car and making my way towards the school gate. I watched as Robert drove away, I hated that he acted like my father and I should listen to him. As I walked towards the gates I didn't make it far because Amber and Jasmine blocked my entrance, today was going to be hell and I already knew that, I've just got to take it as it comes.

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