016 | Packing

97 7 2

Lilianna's pov

When I got home from the Leavers assembly I knew I better start packing for Scotland, my suitcase was sat on my bed open and empty. I didn't know what to take with me other than the essentials like underwear, toothbrush, toothpaste and a hairbrush. I can get shampoo and body wash in Scotland.

"Ughh why must packing be so hard" I grumbled to myself is I stared at the empty suitcase, I decided to get my underwear ready and put them in my case; I couldn't do my toothbrush because I still needed to use it, I was going to pop to David's shop to get a new toothpaste.

"Need any help?" I hear Uncle Robert ask as my door opens and I look up from my case which now only had my underwear in.

"Please help, it's practically empty and I can't go Scotland and be just in my underwear" I laughed slightly as I watched uncle Robert smile at what I had just said.

"Well you could do" he joked with me as he came further into the room.

"Eww no way! I do not want to do that!" I almost shouted while laughing.

"Come on then, let's get you packed" Uncle Robert opened my wardrobe. I knew the weather was meant to be warm since we were in the middle of a heatwave so I was going to pack some shorts, that was for sure.

"Right you need some t-shirts" uncle Robert pulled out some tops which I had hanging up. I knew I wanted to take my grey Friends t-shirt because I practically live in it, that and Friends has always been one of my favourite programmes.

"That one" I said immediately as he pulled my friends one from the wardrobe, he nodded and handed it to me to fold and place in my suitcase, we went through my tops until I had 20 in my bag, I know we were just going for fourteen days but you need spares just in case you get dirty.

"So that's your tops sorted now bottoms." Uncle Robert nodded towards me

"Denim shorts, my ripped at the knee skinny jeans and leggings please" I grinned listing three pairs of bottoms which I wanted to take, uncle Robert pulled me a few pair of Denim shorts from the wardrobe as well as my jeans and a few pairs of leggings too. We continued packing my bottoms for another fifteen minutes and finally came to my pyjamas which is was easy, I chose my bambi short pyjamas set along with my tatty teddy short pyjamas and a few tank tops and shorts which I sleep in. I finally added a pair of sandals into my bag and anything else I would need for two weeks away from the village and I was ready for Monday when belle and I were leaving for Scotland.

"Thank you uncle Rob" I smiled giving my uncle a hug while I debated with myself in my head to weather or not I ask him to tell me a bit about my mum, I wanted to know more about her so it was worth it.

"Any time kiddo" uncle Robert smiled

"Could you tell me a bit more about my mum?" I asked uncle Robert softly

"How another we go to the cafe and talk their? I'll get you a cake" uncle Robert smiled and I nodded

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