014 | Pizza Hut

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Lilianna's pov

As Liv and I got a table of four we began looking at the menu, Aaron and uncle Robert seemed to be taking forever to come and join us.

"Do you think they've got lost?" I grinned as I asked Liv the question, she was sat opposite me for Aaron to sit next to her and uncle Robert next to me.

"It's likely or they've abandoned us" Liv joked with me making me laugh at her

"Yeah, they've probably forgotten they brought us here and they've gone back to the village" I added on to the joke, Liv smirked as she nodded

"Anyway how do you feel about going to see Lisa in Scotland? You've never been away without Your dad or Robert before and your going with Belle this time?" Liv asked me, I looked out of the window as I thought how I really felt

"I'm excited about it. Lisa has always been like a Mum to me, mostly because I used to spend so much time round their as a kid, I grew up with Rory and Belle and Lisa treated me like family. I think I need to get out of the village for awhile. It will do me good to get away for a few weeks, yes I'll miss almost everyone but I'm growing up, I need to start living my own life" I explained to Liv who nodded understanding me just as uncle Robert and Aaron entered the restaurant and joined us at the table.

"You better call me though, I'll miss you" Liv grinned putting down her menu

"Do you girls know what you want to eat?" Aaron asked sitting down beside Liv.

"Macaroni Cheese for starters" Liv grinned looking at me dead in the eye while I tried not to laugh at her.

"Ham and Cheese Pizza please" I added on knowing that we both wanted the same; we always do except when it comes to ice-cream, I have chocolate sauce but Liv has strawberry sauce, it's kinda how it always has been since we've known each other.

"Thank you" the four of us smiled when our pizza had finally been brought out. We sat laughing and talking.

"I love this" I grinned happily as I put a fork full of macaroni cheese into my mouth, out of the corner of my eye I saw uncle Robert smile

"You sounded so much like your Mum saying that" he laughed slightly and I smiled, I loved being compared to my Mum, it meant I was like her in some ways and she lives on in me.

"Gracie loved macaroni cheese, one time she had a barbecue sauce pizza base with macaroni cheese and ham. She called it her pizza special" uncle Robert laughed slightly making me smile widely hearing about my mum.

"Did she really?" Liv asked chuckling slightly

"Yeah, her and Vic loved eating it. At first Victoria thought it was extremely weird until Gracie convinced her to try it. In my opinion it was disgusting and I couldn't stand it but they did" Robert laughed as I finished my macaroni.

"Could I try it sometime? Maybe if mum liked it and aunt Vic likes it then I might do" I shrugged liking the sound of mums pizza special

"I definitely want to try it too" Liv high fives me over the table. The day couldn't have ended any better than it did. I loved spending time with uncle Robert, Aaron and Liv, now i had to start packing for Scotland otherwise I probably won't get anything done until the night before.

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