009 | Uncle Ross

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Lilianna's pov

As I sat on the floor with my knees into my chest I let the tears that I had been holding flow, tears fell into my grey school jumper. I sniffled slightly before hearing a knock at the door.

"Lili please open up? Autumn told me what happened and we are both worried about you" uncle Ross's voice spoke through the door, i sniffled again as tears rolled down my face and i was unable to speak.

"Come on Lili" uncle Ross spoke again as he continued to try and get me to open up, however he was still unsuccessful in doing so.

"Lilianna Barton-Sugden open the door now. I'm not playing around. If you don't open the door and speak to me I won't be able to help you with whatever is going on with you!" Uncle Ross said a little louder than he had previously spoke. I decided Their was no point holding back the conversation I knew was coming so I wiped my eyes and stood up before pushing the chest of draws back to their original spot in the bedroom and opened the door slowly; your face was red from the tears.

"Lili, what's up. Your not yourself, even I can tell that" Uncle Ross looked at me with a serious look in his eyes, I looked down.

"People keep saying that and they wonder why. If you really want to know what's wrong then I'll tell you!" I paused

"I miss them uncle Ross, I really do. My mum is dead, I don't remember her, not properly. My dad is on the run, I keep wanting him to come home; tell me that he didn't push Emma, that he was covering doe someone. I keep thinking he'll knock on the door when I'm with Gran or uncle Robert and say he's going to make it up to me. Every time I close my eyes it scares me that he's dead. If he's dead I'll never know, I loved him and I still love him. I've been trying to stay strong for months but now my exams are coming up and that's adding to the pressure. I'm struggling with my sexuality and I don't know why. Feelings are building up inside me and it's breaking me; it's like I know I need help but I can't ask for it, the only way I can get through this to bottle it all up to avoid having to answer questions about the way I feel." I ranted with tears streaming down my face.

"It's alright to be sad and down and I know how much you loved Adam, you were as close as father and daughters should be. It's alright to miss him and your mum too, but you know you can always talk to me, your favourite uncle" Ross smiled with his arms around me while rubbing my back gently

"Oh you mean uncle Pete" I grinned cheekily while wiping my own eyes

"Oi cheeky" Ross poked me in my ticklish spot making me flinch while laughing.

"There is the smile we all know and love now keep that smile on your face" Ross smiled, I nodded and knew he was right.

"When did you get so sensible" I joked with my uncle is who laughed along with me. I knew that he was right and I wasn't going to let it get the best of me again, i needed to move on and that's what I was going to do.

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