015 | Leavers Asembly

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Lilianna's PoV

After Pizza Hut last night Liv and I spent the night watching random things on Netflix, we watched 'the Kissing Booth' which was actually really good, we also started to re-watch one of our favourite things ever Riverdale. We finally went to sleep at 2am even though we had to be at school for 10 for our leavers assembly and to get our year book and our leavers hoodies. We were allowed to wear whatever trousers we wanted but had to wear our blouses because we're going to get them signed by teachers and other students.

"Our last ever day in school" Liv screamed jumping on my bed as I groaned

"Go away Olivia, I'm sleeping" I mumbled not opening my eyes thinking it was still early amd wanting to sleep longer.

"Lili wake your lazy ass up" Liv continued jumping however I still didn't open my eyes, staying up until 2am was a big mistake, I now know that.

"No thanks" I mumbled again yawning as I did so.

"Lilianna Grace Barton-Sugden!" Liv shouted now shaking me making me groan again, I opened my eyes and sighed heavily.

"Alright, Alright I'm awake now do you mind getting off my bed" I grunted rubbing my eyes to try and wake myself up.

"Alright but get dressed! Aaron's taking us to school in half an hour; we're picking Aurora and Gabby up on the way too" liv informed me as she was already dressed in a pair of black leggings and her white school blouse with "LF 18 Leavers' on the back of her blouse which we spent doing last night with the other girls.

"Okay okay I'll get dressed" I pushed myself into a siting position while pushing my covers back, liv leaves me in the room to get myself dressed. I pulled on my white blouse which with 'LGBS 18 Leavers' on the back, I also had a pair of black leggings on matching with Liv, we were both also matching with Aurora and Gabby. As soon as I was dressed I made my way downstairs with my phone in my hands.

"Ready to go?" Aaron asked while I nodded, it had been around twenty five minutes since I got dressed. I nodded before we left the house. Across the road Aurora and Gabby were talking both also wearing Black leggings and there white blouses Gabby with hers saying 'GBT 18 Leavers' on the back and Auroras saying 'AKD 18 Leavers' Aaron came out to the car and in for the four of us girls. After a short drive to school we got out the car with Aaron telling us he'd pick us up after the assembly.

"This is the last time we are going to have to sit in this hall" Gabby exclaimed

"Unless we go sixth form, I don't know what I'm doing yet" I sighed knowing Time was slowly running out for me.

"You've got till results day to decide" Aurora reminded me and I nodded slowly even though I knew the time was going to fly past and I won't have time to choose, I'll run out of time for sure. The four of us sat at the back of the assembly hall listening to our head talk about how proud he was, how he knows how hard of the last two years we had but we finally finished. It was over. We got our Leavers hoodies and our year books before the assembly finished, it was the end of an era and S time of my life which I knew I was going to miss.

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