007 | Granmother and Grandaughter

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Lilianna's pov

Uncle Robert tried to stop me from leaving and going to Grandma Moria's but I didn't want to stay with Robert and Aaron for awhile, I just needed some space, yes I'd get space on the weekend when staying with Uncle Ross and Uncle Pete but I think being around uncle Robert almost all the time isn't doing either of us any good. I got to gran's farm with my suitcases with whatever I needed for my stay.

"So are you going to tell me why you wanted to stay? What's happened between you and Robert?" Gran asked as she brought a hot chocolate into the lounge and sat down next to me.

"He's acting like he's my dad. I am just stressed and he is saying I'm acting differently; stress does that to someone but it's not like I'm not the same Lili I always have been" I explained to Gran as I took a sip of my drink.

"Are you sure that's all?" Gran asked; I looked down while continuing to drink my drink, I knew she'd be angry if I told her about getting drunk but all teens do it.

"I made one mistake; I got drunk but I just wanted to let my hair down. I didn't mean to. But it's not like I went clubbing and stole the alcohol. I said sorry and admitted I made the mistake but he won't let it drop" I explained honestly to my Gran who looked at me shaking her head, she wasn't what I'd call disappointed.

"Lilianna! Your 16" was all Gran said and I nodded.

"I know that Gran but I admitted I was in the wrong." I explained nodding, I looked up and faced gran who smiled a small smile.

"Your so like your dad" Gran smiled

"Really?" I asked smiling

"Yeah, their was this one time he was about your age and he came home hammered, you have his eyes and his sense of humour" Gran paused with a smile on her face. I wanted to make dad proud but with him not around I really didn't know how I was going to do that.

"Do you think dad would be proud of me, proud of how much I've grown in the last few months?" I asked anxiously, I felt Gran slide her arm around my shoulders as she kissed my forehead.

"He would be so proud of you, you've coped with him leaving and your such a fighter. Your amazing with Isaac, I know you love him and he loves you." Gran smiled as Isaac began crying.

"I better go get him, he should be ready for his tea" Gran nodded.

"I'll go get him" I smiled hearing my uncle cry. I stood up leaving Gran on the sofa as I made my way to get my uncle from his room. I walked into Isaac and picked him up holding him on my hip to bounce him slightly which eventually stopped him crying as I walked into the kitchen with him.

"Uncle Isaac is ready for his mummy" I smiled tickling his sides gently, Isaac laughed slightly while I widened my smile, happiness is the best but sometimes being happy costs so much.

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