012 | Last Exam

84 7 3

Liliannas pov

After a long month of doing my GCSE's I finally had my last exam today, it was drama. The exam which was so important to me and worried me the most. Uncle Robert and Aaron are both taking Liv and I our for pizza and ice-cream after school well after our exam since they wanted to congratulate us for getting through our exams.

"Last exam today Lili; how does that feel?" Liv asked me as she sat at the table with me, she was dressed in a pair of denim jeans with a tank top while I wore my school uniform.

"Excited that it's my last exam but so nervous, it's drama, one of the most important exams for me to sit. Just imagine if I fail drama, then I'll not be able to do drama and theatre studies in college or sixth form, my life would be over" I acted all dramatic with the last sentence because it would feel like my life is over.

"No it wouldn't Lili, if you fail you still go to college, just on a lower corse; you'll just work your way up. But that's not going to happen, your going to pass and I know it" Liv reassures you. You nodded trying to stay calm while inside you were freaking out.

"I better get going, don't want to be late for my last minute revision session" I jumped up grabbing my school bag in the process.

"Good luck Lili!" I heard Uncle Robert shout from upstairs.

"Thank you Uncle Robert" I called back as I began making my way towards the door to leave, Aaron stopped me before I got to the door.

"Good luck today Lili. Your dad would be so proud of you, remember that. I may not be him but if you ever want to talk about him I'm here" Aaron smiled towards me before he wrapped his arms around me, giving me a hug. I had always been close to Aaron he was my dads best mate so of course I would be.

"Thank you Aaron" I whispered as I rested my head on his chest while he hugged me.

"Right you better get off, you don't want to be late" Aaron smiled softly pulling away from me and I nodded. I left the house and made my way to the bus; I was on my own today since Aurora has finished her exams and Autumn had a dentist appointment. After the bus to school I made my way into school for my revision session. I was so excited for my last exam to be over however leaving school is crazy and I didn't even think I'm ready for it at all, Friday Liv, Aurora, Gabby and I have our leavers assembly and then school will be done with. Soon I got to school and went straight to drama where I began my revision for the final exam.

"I don't know why you bothered turning up today. We all know your going to fail" Amber laughed in my face as she took my revision notes from my hands.

"Yes we know your going to fail" Jasmine added with a smirk.

"Can I have those back please. I need to do my revision. Can't be taking to you stuck girls when I'm focusing on my work" I folded my arms seriously as I wanted to get as much revision in as I could before the exam, I knew their was limited time but I just had to focus on the exam not the girls.


So I thought I'd treat you all and post a second chapter of the day for this book.

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Jess xxx

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