013 | Robert and Aaron's talk

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Lilianna's pov

After doing my final exam Aaron, Uncle Robert and Liv all came to pick me up so we could go out for pizza and ice-cream. Before I left school I went to the bathrooms where I changed from my school blouse into a simple off the shoulder t-shirt. I was beyond ready for lunch since I didn't really eat my breakfast, I was too anxious.

"How'd the last exam go?" Liv was the first to ask as I got into the car.

"It was okay, if I've passed I didn't know but I'm not going to dwell on it now. Im going away on Tuesday, I've got things to focus on before the exam results come up. I'm ready for this break" I smiled happily while Aaron started the car and began driving to Pizza Hut for our pizza.

"Right you girls go in and we will park the car" Aaron told Liv and I as we pulled into the car park.

"Okay" we smiled in unison before getting out of the car and heading inside, we continued to talk about my last exam.

Aaron's pov

Robert and I drove the girls to Pizza Hut for their end of exam treat. Robert and Lili have been getting closer again and I can tell she feels a lot better then she had been. She had neem focusing on her GCSE's and admitted she had been stressed and not herself. I also know she had been missing Adam which is obviously a major part of her life right now, Adam and Lili had a unbreakable bond and she's been terrified that he's died or something bad has happened to him.

"So how do you really feel about Lili going to Scotland with Belle?" I asked Robert as I parked the car after getting the girls to go and get us a table for our pizza

"I promised Adam and Gracie that I'd look after her if anything happened to them, what if something happens to her while she's away? I'd have let them down" Robert admitted to me and I nodded understanding where he was coming from

"It'll do her good to get out of the village for awhile. She loves the village but if she stays in the village it might send her crazy with the thoughts of Grace and Adam since they both lived in the village. She'll be able to clear her head and let her hair down after the stress of exams" I informed Robert who nodded

"She's so much like Grace" Robert look at me with a small smile on her face.

"Grace would do anything for anyone especially family, just like Lili. I remember one time when Grace was 15 she came home drunk from one of her friends party and she got in so much trouble for it, I still miss her every day Aaron even though it's been almost eleven years. I know Vic misses her two since they were the closest but it's horrible to feel like this" Robert explained to me and I nodded

"That's understandable, she was your sister. You'd of done anything to protect her" I try to reassure him

"But I didnt did I, I wasn't Their when she actually needed me; when her car was hit and she died. She was all alone when she died Aaron, she never got to say goodbye to Lilianna, she never got to tell her she loved her. Lili was five; she didn't know what actually happened until Adam had the guts to tell her, she's the last thing of Grace that we have left, if something happened to her while she's in Scotland, i would blame myself" Robert admitted to me, I nodded.

"I understand that, I do but she's 16. You need to start letting her make mistakes for herself and living her life. Lili will be with Belle, she'll be fine" I convinced Robert who slowly nodded

"I know Aaron but what if something does happen to Lili?" Robert asked me sounding truly worried about his niece

"Belle will look after her, you've seen the bond they've had and Rory is joining them after a week so they will be fine" I reassured Robert again.

"Okay, If your sure" Robert shrugged while I smiled slightly, I had finally got through to him and that's all that mattered.

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