Chapter 1 The slaves

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Emiko's POV

Moans and groans were heard from the slaves in their dirty cells. Me? Just perfect, those shitheads managed to capture me from my hometown. The sound of my black combat boots clattered with the cold ground.

"C'mon! Stop moving!" The man with the weird costume held on to my wrist. "What do we have here?" A voice appeard.

I looked up and saw another man with long purple hair. Ha GAAAAAAAAY!

He forcefully grabbed my cheeks, staring at it as I snarled at him. "This Neko features will surely fetch a high price." He mumbled.

I squirmed from his dirty fingers, trying to break free from them. "Let go of me!" I screamed. The man grunted and pulled my wrist harder. I yelped in pain and squirmed more. "Hey stop that!" The man said.

Clank clank

I stopped squirming and looked up, the other man was holding something, something to chain me up.

My mouth opened wide. "NO! I DON'T WANT TO BE SOMEONE'S SLAVE! GET ME OUT OF HERE!" I started to kick and scream everywhere.

"If you don't want to get hurt then stay still!" The man holding me shouted.

Another man grabbed me by the legs as I helplessly dangled with no sign of hope of escaping from them.


The stinging from my cheeks burn. I collasped to the ground as I heard evil laughs from the gay person.

"Oi oi Disco-san, we shoudn't injure this thing if not her value will drop!" So his name is Disco? A great name for gays.

I slowly got up and tears start rolling down my face. Those damn bakas. My Neko ears folded against my head, signalling that I'm sad and crying.

"Well, I better get preparing, make sure that she's not injured." He said.

Well there's seriously no choice, become a slave or become a slave. I sat on the ground, letting them chain me up.

"The show is about to start!" Disco shouted.

"Bring out number 15 and 16."

The earlier man took the chain from the man's neck collar thing and pulled him.

"Please stop! I don't want to! I rather stay in the cell, I don't want to be a slave! HELP ME PLEASE! SOMEONE CALL THR NAVY!' Those words were too horrifying to hear. My Neko tail swished around the cell while I was covering my ears.

Numbers and numbers passed by, until it was my turn. I was put in a bird cage, a human size bird cage and there was a blanket over it, making it like a surprise.

"Countless people have tried to capture one, please look at this silhouette!" Disco said to the audience.

The stage light flickered on and I covered my eyes from the brightness.

"Could it be?"

"They really got it!"

"Just look with your very own eyes! Well then, here it comes! Have a good look at it!" Disco said.

The blankets were being pulled by someone as I stared at the audience.

"Woo!" The crowd cheered.

"From an unknown island, Emiko the Neko!" Disco presented.

"It really is a real life Neko! and a young one too!"

"Awesome, this is the first time I saw a Human with Neko features!"

"Finally a Neko!" One of the Warlords exclaimed.

"Since we brought a rare species here, how much are you willing to pay?" Disco sang.

"Let's start with, 100 million beri!" Ain't nobody got that much!

"150 million!" A man raised his fan up.

"200 million!"

"250 million!' cried out the Warlord.

Silence was all I heard.

"No more bids? Going once! Going twi-!" before my tears streamed down my face, someone's voice surprised me.


"300 million!"


Ayeeeee this is my first OP fanfic so please don't send hate if I got the names or something else wrong. One Piece does not belong to me except for Emiko!


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