Chapter 5 Fishing

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Emiko's POV

Right now, I'm laying on the floor at the boy's dome because of Luffy. I kept tossing and turning around but I just can't sleep.

I stood up and quietly walked put of the boys dome. The cold wind smacked my face as my feet collided to the floor.

I went to the deck and looked over board. The stars were so beautiful, especially when there is peace.

I slowly closed my eyes, enjoying the gentle breeze of the night. My tail swished around as I sucked in a huge amount of air.

"Oi Emiko-san, why are you here?" A voice behind me said. I looked behind my shoulder and a familiar raven hair boy looked at me.

"I couldn't sleep." I replied. "Oh." Luffy simply said. He walked to where I was and stand next to me.

I ignored his pressence and daydreamed about something.

Eust-ass Kid

The sound of him makes me vomit, I truly hated him. The way he treated me makes me angry.

"What you thinking about Emiko-chan?" Luffy asked. "Thinking about stuffs," I replied.

"Ass-stass Kid?" He chuckled. "Yeah," I smiled. "He's truly a pain in the ass you know," I replied. "I'm glad that you took me away from him." I looked at him, giggling.

Then, he stared at me intensely, like something happened. "You know, your laugh is really cute." He looked at me, smiling. "Thank you." I blushed.

I felt an embrace from my side. "I wanna hug you again because your so soft~." He said, holding on to my tail.

I giggled again and turn my gaze to the navy blue sea.

Luffy's POV

I hugged Emiko, trying to make her fall asleep in my arms, then she yawned.

"Tired?" I asked her. "Yeah, kinda." She said stretching her arms. Emiko and I walked to the boys dome.

I don't know why but I felt like holding hands with Emiko so I did. Then, I intertwined her fingers with mine.

What is wrong with me? How do I make this feeling go away? Why am I becoming like this?

Emiko looked at our hands, and she smiled. When we reached the dome, she silently opened the the and plopped on the hammock.

"Good night Luffy." Her words rang through my ears. Then darkness took over me.

-Next Morning-

"YOSH! IT'S A NEW DAY!" I exclaimed. I looked below and saw Emiko sleeping peacefully, curling in a ball, hugging her tail.

I ran out of the door and shouted. "AHHH! WAKE UP IT'S A NEW DAY!" I woke everyone up, even Zoro.

"OI BAKA! CAN YOU PLEASE SHUT UP?!" Nami screamed. Urgh... My crew is soo boring but they are my nakamas with memories, I can't just call them boring.

"Morning Luffy." My heart skipped a beat, it was Emiko. "Yosh! you're the only one awake! Let's go fishing!" I exclaimed.

I ran to the room where it stored all the fishing rod, I grabbed one for Emiko and me.

I ran back to her and gave her one of the fishing rod. Then all of the sudden she giggled, I looked at her confused. "Baka, I can use my powers to bring the water up." She giggled. "SUGOI! SHOW ME!" I dropped the fishing rod and brought her to the edge if the ship.

"Ok ok." She said. She brought her hand up, concentrating on the sea. Then, she raised her hand, the water followed her orders and raised uo too. I could see all the fish swimming in there.

Her hands waved around, separating the water with the ocean one. Then she let go of her han-


The cold sea water hit me, then I heard giggles. I looked behind and saw Emiko carrying all the fishes. "Luffy-san, you're so hilarious when you're excited!" She giggled.

"But look all the fishes I caught!" She exclaimed. "Where do I put them?" She asked. "Behind you!" I pointed to the wooden trapdoor to store the fish inside.

"Here?" She said, opening the door with her tail. "Sugoi!" She threw the fish inside it.

"I know! Franky built this ship!" I exclaimed. "Sugoi! I wanna see thr aquarium!" I told Luffy.

"Come on!" I said leading the way for Emiko.

"Here we are!" I told her. Her eyes sparkled in joy. "Woah..." She said, looking at the large aquarium iinfront of us.

We sat down on the sofa and I look down at Emiko. "This is actually the first time I felt happy in my whole life, you guys treated me like I'm part of a family and I feel sad that I can't help you in anyway because I'm just that useless." She said. "Emiko, you're not useless," I said, gently pushing Emiko's head to my shoulder. "I think you're nice, like that time you gave me all your Takoyaki!" I exclaimed.

"I'm going to ask you one more question," I said looking at Emiko's golden neko eyes. "Will you join my crew?"

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