Chapter 26 Body Swap

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Kid's POV

Ever since our body got swapped, it was like a living hell, "Godamnit! How can I stop this boobs from bouncing when I run!" I ran as fast as I could. "L-Let me carry you alright?" Emiko offered. "The hell to the no!" I snapped. "Hey! People won't know that you're in my body and I'm in your body right?" Emiko said, slowly squatting down. "Fine fine." I climbed on my back, feeling my chest being pressed against her back.

Being a girl sucks.

"Alright, full speed ahead!" Emiko pointed infront of her. "You know the fact that you're the one who's supposed to run right?" I chuckled at her. "O-oh ya! I'm sorry!" She blushed and ran to a direction.

"K-Kid, you sure have alot of stamina." Emiko said, running as fast as she could. "Don't overuse it, if not," I demanded. "If not what?" I heard her. "I'll strip infront of the whole crew while I'm still in your body." I smirked. "H-Hai!" She squeaked, starting to slow her pace down.

• • •

"K-Kid, I-I think I can't run anymore." I heard her panting out her words. "Ok, let's rest under that shelter over there." I said, pointing to a weird looking place. It was kind of greyish and I think the ice was covering it. Emiko walked to it and set me down. "Finally we get to rest." I groaned, while plopping down on the grey thing. "Yeah." She plopped down next to me while panting for her life.

"I hope that bastard that swapped places with the two of us will go to hell," I spat. "Yeah,I'm starting to hate the way you shape now," She said. "So, you're saying that you actually liked my body?" I smirked at her. "Well, I kept wondering what's like to be in your body but your body is heavier than I expected," She complained. "So are your boobs." I replied.

"How are we going to get back in our original body?" Emiko mumbled under her breath while hiding her face in her hands or should I sat, mine.

"I'll simply beat up that guy who changed us," I looked at her. "You don't know how to use my devil fruit powers." She protested. "I'll try." I stood up and positioned my fingers like how Emiko always did. "Hovercraft!" Instead of bubbles, I created a drop of water.

I heard Emiko giggling at me and I turned behind my shoulder. "What's so funny?!" I boomed. "I'll teach you," She walked up to me and grabbed my arms and wrists. "First you position your hands like this," She grabbed my arm and positioned it parallel to the ground. "Imagine the hovercraft that I just did and say hovercraft." She let go of my arms.

"Hovercraft!" I imagined the bubbles coming out of my hands and it really did. I heard clapping from behind and I turned around.

It wasn't from Emiko.

It was from a person.

"Trafalgar Law..." I muttered under my breath. "You're getting used to Emiko's body, if I were you, I would see myself in a mirror or something." He smirked. "What are you doing here?!" I said, walking up to Law preparing to punch him.

"Why should I tell you? I'm having my vacation here, Eustass Kid." He smirked. "Law- sama, can you please let us go back to our original bodies?" Emiko politely asked. "Tch! Don't be polite to that man, he don't deserve it."

"I would love too but someone here is being rude," He said, glaring at me and let out a sigh, "Since Emiko asked nicely, I'll do it." He said, putting his finger in the air and twisting it.

"I-I'm back in my body!" Emiko exclaimed. "For an exchange," Law said, teleporting behind her. "I'll have your heart." He placed his hands behind Emiko.

"Mes!" He slightly pushed Emiko. Emiko eyes widen open as something from her chest was coming out. Emiko collapsed on the ground, with a square shape hole in her chest. "Emiko!" I ran to her and lightly shook her.

"Damn it, what did you do to her?!" I snapped. He teleported the cube in his hands and played with it. "I stole her heart." He replied. "Give it back!"I demanded.

"I don't like being ordered around." He smirked, playing with it. "K-Kid?" I heard Emiko choking out. "Emiko!" I called out for her, squatting beside her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, lightly stroking her cheeks. "Y-Yeah, for some reason, I feel empty in my chest..." She said, touching where the hole was created.

"Give it back!" I ordered, gently placing Emiko down and charging towards him. "Be careful Kid, one step closer and I'll squeeze Emiko's heart." He threatened.

I ignored him and started to go nearer and nearer to me. "I'd warned you." He sighed and started squeezing the heart.

"KYAAA! STOP THA- ARRRRGH!" I heard Emiko, screaming and clutching her chest.

"Emiko!" I shouted and squatted beside her, holding her hands while intertwining her delicate fingers with mine.

"Damn you, stop that!" I roared, trying to make Law stop what he was doing but he teleported away.

Emiko stared blankly at the ground, trying to catch her breath. "Emiko, let me help you." I said, piggybacking her while wrapping my cloak around us.

"I'm so sorry Kid," I heard Emiko croaked out. "W-Why? Don't tell me you're going to die!" I said, looking at her. "I feel so tire..." Before she could finish her sentence, she blacked out.

"Emiko? Emiko!" I unwrapped my cloak and slowly put Emiko down on the shelter again.

"Damnit Emiko, don't leave me!" I croaked out, taking my cloak and wrapping it around her.

What did that shithead do?

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