Chapter 33 Monet, Caesar and Vergo

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Kid's POV

I'm glad that Emiko didn't jump off the platform, it was all my fault.

"I'm going to keep an eye on you in every single second." I said.

"I think I should go with Emiko too!" Luffy laughed. "Me too, she might not be able to survive with you two." Law bluntly said.

"Excuse me? Are you saying that I can't protect her?!" I said, walking towards him.

"Well, you made her jump down the building." Law sighed.

"Did not!"

"Did too."

"Did not!"

"Onwards horsey!" I heard Emiko shouting. Law and I turned our heads and saw Luffy piggybacking her.

"Shishishi!" Luffy laughed, running to Building B. "Mugiwara! Wait for us!" Law and I said in sync, running to his direction.

Soon, we caught up with the both of them. "Luffy, this is fun!" Emiko giggled.

A pang of jealousy hit my chest again.

Not long, we heard alarms setting off. "Luffy, what's that noise?" Emiko asked, looking behind.

"The gate which leads to Building B is closing!" Law said, panting for his life. "What?!" Luffy said.

I looked behind my shoulder and saw purple gas coming in our way. "Luffy! Let me run!" Emiko said.

Luffy ignored her and ran as fast as he could, making him look like an idiot.

"F-Faster! Go faster!" I panted, running in my full speed.

"Room!" Law said. Soon, we were teleported to somewhere.

Luffy gently placed Emiko down and looked at the gas coming towards us.

"We survived!" Emiko sighed in relief.

"You okay Miss Emiko?" Law asked her. "Yeah, I thought that we're going to die a second ago." She giggled.

"C'mon, we have no time to lose, they might close the gate that leads to building R." Law said, walking towards the gate.

Emiko stood up and followed him like she was a lost puppy.

While we were walking through the awkward silence, Emiko spoke up.

"Who's Vergo?" She asked, looking at Law. "He's a pirate." He simply replied.

"Urgh, this is so boring!" Luffy groaned. "Blame that guy in front of us." I whispered at him, pointing at Law.

"You know the fact that I could hear you right?" Law muttered under his breath.

"Emiko, we better hurry up if not they'll close the gate." Law said while gently nudged her with his shoulder.

Emiko nodded at him and picked up the speed.

Soon, we reached somewhere whuch looks like a nursery. "What is this place?" I mumbled under my breath.

I looked around the place and saw toys and stuff. "Shirururu! Looks like you found me!" A voice said.

We turned our heads and saw Caesar. "Godamnit, can you at least try to extract the Cat DNA?!" Emiko shouted.

"Shirurururu! No can do!" He chuckled darkly. Emiko snarled under her breath and darted to Caesar.

"Emiko!" I shouted for her. After that, someone blocked her way. "I can't let you hurt Caesar." The bird woman earlier said.

"Just let me go!" She screamed, pushing her away. "Kamakura!" The woman said creating an igloo, forming around Emiko.

I heard bangings on it, "GODAMNIT! LET ME OUT YOU STUPID BIRD!" We heard her.

The igloo was destroyed and there stood, Emiko. Her face was red and you could see smoke coming out of her ears.

And that was when I knew not to mess up with Emiko. "We need to go!" Law shouted, running to the door.

When we turned our backs, the door was covered in snow. "Shit, that stupid bird!" Emiko growled under her breath.

"You'll have to get pass me to kill Master." The bird woman smirked.

Soon, a blizzard was formed by her. "I can't fight her," I heard Emiko mumbling under her breath. "But I'll do it for the sake of my life!" Then, she sprinted to the bird.

But she transformed into snow and disappeared. "You're such a pussy, hiding in the snow!" I said.

Emiko frantically searched for her, scard that'll she pop out of nowhere.

Suddenly, I saw snowflakes around her legs. "Emiko! Your leg!" Law shouted, running towards her.

Law tackled her down and the bird appeared. "What keen eyes you have there." She laughed darkly.

"If I could, I would kill her by now but, I'm a water human, if she touches me, I'll freeze like ice." She said, glaring at the flying woman who was smirking.

"I'll help you fight her, you three go ahead," Luffy said, cracking his knuckles, "Protect Emiko.".

I nodded at his words and looked at Law, "Let's go.". Law picked himself up and helped Emiko.

We ran to the door and we remembered, it was covered in snow.

"Is the door made out of metal?" I asked Law. Law nodded at me and looked back at the door.

I raised my hand, attracting the metal in my hands. The door came out as I threw the door away.

"C'mon, let's go find Caesar." I said, nudging Emiko's shoulder. We walked through the dull factory, trying to find Caesar.

Until, we stopped infront of a dull door. "Is this where Caesar is?" Emiko asked Law. "Let's hope that he's in here." Law replied, slowly opening the door.

When we stepped in the room, we saw a familiar figure. "Glad to see you, Law." A deep voice said.

"Vergo." Law muttered under his breath. Vergo evily chuckled and looked at Emiko and I.

"Seems like you bought someone." He smirked. "Give me back my heart Vergo." Emiko snarled at him.

Vergo smirked and squeezed something behind his back. "GYAAAARGH!" She screamed in pain while holding her chest.

"Emiko!" Law and I shouted in sync. She thrashed around, like a kid on tantrum.

"Address me as Vergo-san next time!" He ordered, squeezing it harder.

"STOP! AAAHH!" Emiko screamed. Law sent him daggers and ran straight to him, taking out his Nodachi.

"Stop that!" He shouted at him, trying to slice him but Vergo dodged.

"Emiko, are you feeling any better?" I asked her, holding her back.

"Y-yeah..." She coughed out. I looked behind us and saw Law fighting with Vergo.

"You two go first! I'll fight him!" He said, fighting with Vergo. I nodded at him and carried Emiko bridal style.

I carried Emiko out of the room and set her down. "You feeling fine?" I asked her. Emiko nodded her head.

"Now, we need to find Caesar." She replied. We walked through the hallway, finding for that Caesar.

Soon, we reached a room, which is big.

"Shirurururu! You found me!" We turned our heads and saw the gas man behind us.

"Now all I need to do is kill you two." He smirked.

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