Before five

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Ryes P.O.V

"Whats going on Roadies, Rye and Brook have something to tell you, its quite sad but hasnt affected the band at all so dont worry" Mikey spoke up. Basically me and Brook broke up about two weeks ago, it was a joint decision neither of us were feeling the chemistry and we talked and decided this was the best idea. Am i gonna miss waking up to his face? Yeh but I'll get over it. We decided to tell the Roadies on live and then post it on our story for everyone who didnt watch the live so we didn't have a constent reminder,the fans were going crazy for Rylyn "So like Mikey said me and Rye have some bad news please dont hate on either of us as this was a joint decision." He looked at me i couldnt say anything so he carried on "Basically Rylyn isnt a thing anymore" Mikey sat in the middle and pulled us both into a hug knowing this wasnt easy. " Please no hate on the boys like i already said, theyre still really good friends all of us are anyways we love you Roadies" Mikey spoke softly to the camera still holding us both close. He ended the live and smiled at us, "Me and Andy are both really proud of you and we will always be here for you both" He kissed my cheek before kissing Brooks and going to find Andy, Funny thing that we were all dating me and brook and Andy and Mikey but now its just Andy and Mikey and the roadies dont know so now theyre going to think we are all arguing or something because me and brook both think it will be awkward if we sit next to eachother in videos and Andy and Mikey dont want to get carried away.

Brooks P.O.V

I was about to speak up when i heard Blair say "Come on Boys show today and they put the meet and greet ahead so we need to go now" I jumped up offering Rye my hand he took it and hauled himself of the Sofa without thinking i chucked him my favourite hoodie of his and walk out to see the other boys already ready, Mikey was stood next to Andy arm around his shoulders smiling, It makes me happy to see Mikey smile considering how sad he was when they first met.

*Time Skip cause Im LaZyYyYy*

We made it to the meet and greet on time and had to run to the front to meet the first Roadie, They were all really sweet to me and Rye and obviously understood that we didn't want to do lovey poses so they made Mikey and Andy do them instead which they didn't mind at all. We got to the last Roadie and he was a lot older than everyone else,

"Hi, My name is Jack. I know i look a bit to old to be here but im not that old and I really love you guys" He was so cute we all gave him a hug and we took some photos, He came up to me and gave me a letter. I opened it and it was a list of all the reasons he loved me i gave him another hug before he had to say goodbye.

Mikeys P.O.V

We walked into the Green Room, i was already exhausted. We had an three hours until the show started so i decided to have a nap. I walked over to Andy and lay my head in his lap and closed my eyes. I was awoken to Andy laughing, "Hey babe, good job you are awake you can help us embarass Brook" I sat up and laughed kissing his cheek making him smile and the others coo ( i mean like awww idk how you say that though paha) "Basically the guy Jack from earlier gave Brook this letter and left his number on it so Brook text him and he keeps blushing whenever he gets a reply" Andy laughed. I looked at Rye he was looking down at his phone frowning, I knew something the others didn't. Rye still loved Brook, but he could tell Brook wasn't happy so he suggested they break up. I stood up Andy and Brook looked at me, "How long have we got left before the show?" I ask. "About an hour and a half" Andy replied starting to look worried, I nodded grabbed Ryes hand and pulled him out the door and down to starbucks. "Hey i saw the way you looked when they were talking about Jack earlier" I whispered grabbing our normals he just ignored me, "Fine be like that but when you want to talk im here" He pulled me to the sofa, i sat next to him and he lay his head on my shoulder.

Andys P.O.V

Mikey and Rye returned about an hour later I rushed over to Mikey, showering him in kisses making him laugh "I love you Cobban" I smile at him he pushed me lightly against the wall attacking my neck. "Guys, 10 minutes till show can you not wait?" Mikey laughed and pulled away which caused me to whine. He whispered into my ear "We're miss behaving and up all night cause thats what happens after the show" I laughed and grabbed his hand as we walked to the wings of the stage as Harvey finished his last song. I kissed Mikeys hand before letting go and walking on. We sang our first song which was Miss Taken it went really well this crowd are amazing. "Hey guys we are now going to introduce ourselves starting with Rye"

Ryes P.O.V

"Whats going on Bristol, Im Rye" I say to the audience, I look at Mikey "Whats going on Roadies, Im Mikey" He looks at Andy "Whats up guys, Im Andy" He looks at Brook. "You doing good? Im Brook" Then from somewhere we in the audience we here "He has my number and has been texting me, I love you Brook" Brook blushes and hides behind Andy so i take over "He loves you too Jack, we all do"

*Another Time Skip cause Im Lazyyy*

A few weeks after the show Brook and Jack have started seeing eachother which is killing me, he came round the other day and started singing so now Blair is trialing him to become the 5th member of roadtrip would be sick but would also suck. Anyways today is the last day of his Trial so lets see what happens. I got out the camera and handed it to Mikey so he and Andy could vlog.

Mikeys P.O.V

"Whats going on Roadies, hey andy stop im trying to film unless you want them to know" I say trying not to laugh. Andy kisses my cheek before sulking off "Don't keep that in Cobban" He shouted

"Hey guys, so as you know we have been trialing Brooks Boyfriend the one and Only Jack Duff this week, we have come to a desicion that hes going to join the band so myself and Fovves are going to buy him some cake." I put down the camera and got ready to leave after forcing Fovves to come with me, "So we have arrived at the big A" I say looking at Andy waiting for him to say that all so famous line instead he just looks at me "OTHER SUPERMARKETS AVAILABLE" He shouts causing us both to laugh. God I love his laugh. "Lets go get Jacks cake"

Later on at the flat Blair decided to try and scare Jack, but Brook had a better idea. We wrote him a letter saying that he had to go to the park to meet his mum, he was very excited but instead we had loads of banners up saying "Welcome to RoadTrip Jack" Me and Andy went down before everyone else. Jack thought we were going to Nandos.

Jacks P.O.V

I was so excited to see my mum today, but the boys are being really weird and today is the end of my trial so im a bit scared as well. I grab my coat and make my way to the Park, I am confronted with my mum and a letter. She gives me a hug, the letter reads "Come to Macram Park now" from the boys, I was terrified at this point, They were gonna let me go, of course who was i kidding, at least I'd still be friends with them through Brook. I shoved my hands in my pockets and walked to the other park. There were loads of lights and Banners, The Banners read welcome to roadtrip Jack. I broke down crying i was so overwhelmed the boys ran out the hedge and all gave me a hug congratulating me. I was the luckiest boy ever

"I love you Boys" I whispered

"I love you too Babe" Brook whispered

"I love you too bud" Rye whispered

"I love you too little one" Andy whispered causing Mikey to laugh

"I love you too Irish bean" Mikey whispered and we all just sat there laughing and hugging eachother

A/N sorry it was awful, Love you guys

-Meg x

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