fake hope

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Brook's P.O.V

"Oi boys, I bet nobody can get harper to fall for them before he joins the band" I laugh out loud, wanting an excuse to try and get close with him. I've liked harper since our first tour date but believe it or not I am nervous of everything. I hate how insecure I am that I force myself to act more confident around the boys and fans.

"IM IN" I hear Rye shout from the kitchen, He's always been one for things like this.

Sonny slouches his little head around the corner "I think its mean so I'm out" 

"I'm with Sonny on this one lads" Andy walks over throwing an arm around Sonny's shoulders.

"Oh fovvs, come onnn" Rye sneaks over to Andy wrapping his arms around his middle "Pleaseeee"

"FINE FINE FINE" Andy gives in and we all look at Sonny.

"No!" He shouts storming out. 

We honestly weren't surprised but we just had to make sure he didn't tell Harper and we had an easy way of doing that. We waited a few hours before arranging plans to meet up with Harper to discuss the trial. While Rye and Andy facetimed Sonny distracting him from Harper. It made sense and it worked. 

I took advantage of the time being just me and harper throwing my arm around his shoulders causing him to lay his head on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile at this small action. I chuck on a movie, and sit up causing me to move away from Harper. He looked a little lost but just shook it off as Rye comes running into the room slipping into the seat I created smirking a little at me. I just glared storming off beyond pissed.

"Brook wait" Two simple words that made me stop and turn on the spot. I looked at Harper who was looking back at me.

"Come with me" He stood up holding his hand out to take mine. I slip my hand into his as he walks towards his room shooting sonny a gleeful look smiling smugly to myself. He drags me into his room sitting on his bed and I sit next to him. He turns to me.

"Brook what the fuck is wrong with you" 

The smile is soon wiped of my face. 

"Wait sorry what?!" 

"You can't do this to me.." He just looked upset and I wanted to hug him more than anything but decided it probably wasn't best.

"Do what?"

"Give me fake hope.." 

"Wait what?"

"You may think its funny to mess with me and get the rest of the boys in on it but Sonny told me anything. God the worst bit is the fact I thought maybe just fucking maybe the guy yes guy, I liked liked my back but turns out it was all a bet with his two dumbass friends. Andy didn't do very well and Rye well Rye gave up prettymuch straight away."

"Wait you like Rye?!" I was ready to scream and punch someone. This was meant to work in my favour get Harper to realise I was right for him but he fell for someone else. Of course he did you don't deserve him.

"Brook" A gentle voice pulling me out my thoughts as I looked back up at Harper.

"Yeah?" I go a little red as he looks down at my lips before flicking up to my eyes.

"Its you doofus" He shoots me a gentle smile as I feel my whole face smile. 

I jump at him hugging him tightly and somehow end up being spooned by him as he wraps an arm around my middle keeping me close as I slowly drift off.

*about three hours later*

Harper's P.O.V

I finally got up the courage to wake up the sleeping beauty in my arms, I stroke my hand through his hair and kiss the side of his face causing his eyes to flutter open. He wriggles around burying into my chest so I wrap both my arms around his waist kissing his forehead.

"Hey hey we can't go back to sleep" He whines trying harder to bury into my body.

"Nuh uh uh" I roll out of the bed and drag brook with me.

"I wanna go sleep pweaseee" He looks up at me desperately I mess with his hair.

"Okay, but first can I ask you something?" He nods at me rubbing his eyes.

"D d do y you wanna go out sometime?" He looks at me with a small smile

"I'd love to harp but can we cuddle now?" 

I couldn't help but smile his cuteness I nod and lie back down pulling him into my body. I close my eyes and smile.

A/N fuck me I haven't posted in ages!! Sorry, So I hope you guys are all staying safe, The UK is currently on lockdown so I should be more active!!

Also thank you for 19k reads I love you all xoxo

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