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A/N: A universe where you have a black smudge where you and your soulmate touch for the first time and when you touch it bursts into colour. 

Jack's P.O.V

I look at my roommate Brooklyn across the room groaning as I look in the mirror and the thick black smudge across my cheek. I knew what it meant, he knew what it meant but nobody else could know what it means. So every morning we woke up half an hour before the other four boys in our dorm to cover up the mark on my face before anyone knew the truth. The other four boys in our dorm, my best friends. You had Rye he was two years older than myself and Brooklyn at the age of 18, then Sonny who was also 18, Harper was 15 and Andy was 19. 

"J, come on lets do this before they wake up" I nod in Brook's direction plonking myself on his bed as he starts lathering my face in makeup matching my skin town. We'd  been doing this for 16 years Brook had gotten pretty damn good at it, it wasn't fair the mark stopped me leaving the house until I was 10 because I didn't want to meet my soulmate knowing he was going to hurt me.

Andy's P.O.V

I was awake as Brook pressed the brush hard against Jack's face, I would have tried to stop him but I knew he wasn't hurting Jack. I knew what Jack was hiding because like I said, I was awake. I was always awake. I never said anything because I knew who is soulmate was. Me. I knew it was me because I had often matched the deep mark on his face to the one on my hand, the matched perfectly and I hadn't ever touched Jack because I didn't want to hurt him. I didn't want to slap him. He didn't deserve it. 

As years went on we learnt well the other five boys learnt that Jack's soulmate goes to our school. So we made a decision to get all the people at our school to slap Jack on his mark, to see if any of them made it change. I knew they wouldn't but I stood back and watched the love of my life get slapped by so many people. It made me think, why couldn't me and J have it easy, like Rye and Sonny or Brook and Harper, they'd known for years and they adored each other but me and Jack couldn't have eachother. I had to watch him suffer for years without being able to comfort him. 

"Andy its your turn, you're the only person who hasn't touched J" My heart sped up fast, scarily fast, I made up my mind quickly that I wouldn't slap him but infact just kiss him. I watched his lips as he bit his bottom one nervously. I smile to myself slightly. I arrive just in front of Jack placing my hand on the smudge on his cheek and pulled his head down gently pressing my lips against his. Jack kissed back almost immediately and I smiled as his arms wrapped around my waist, I let my hand fall to his neck and everyone gasped. 

Jack's P.O.V

As i heard the gasping I pulled away from Andy slightly confused then looked in the mirror and saw the smudge turning to rainbow. I look down at Andy and kiss his forehead. 

"I knew Jacky, always. I I I'm sorry" 

I shake my head and slip a finger under his chin and press my lips to his again smiling to myself feeling happy at last.

A/N:  Short but sweet, I adore fluff wow

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