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Mikey loved Brooklyn. Brooklyn loved Mikey. That was just facts. They were so happy together, they spent every second together, weather it was pranking Andy, singing or cuddles. Mikey would do anything for the blonde. As far as every fan was aware #bikey was endgame. That's why when everything changed they were so confused.

A family of four. Two sets of brothers (not literally) and two couples. Could it be more perfect?! Unfortunately, Blair was desperate for a five part band. Nobody knew that one person, one smile could tear someone's  whole world apart so quickly. Mikey had no idea what would hit him when young Jack Duff came along to trail.

It was fine at first, when Mikey, Rye and Andy went to Ireland with Blair for a show leaving Brook behind because the idiot lost his passport. Blair spotted Jack almost straight away and suggested him coming to trail, at first Duff said no. But soon after regretted his decision and called Blair up asking if he could come and Blair obviously agreed. 

The second Jack and Brook met there was chemistry you would have been a fool to disagree. Even Harvey could see it. Days went buy and Brook drifted from Mikey, But he didn't notice and Mikey was to hopelessly in love to see that there was anything wrong with that. Andy and Rye would try and slip it into his head to tell him. But it just didn't work.

The fans saw the difference between the way Brook no longer looked at Mikey but instead Jack. Mikey still looked longingly at Brook and knew he always would. It broke Mikey's heart when fans starting shipping Jacklyn and not him and his boyfriend. It was all he saw, his boyfriend and best friend kissing each others cheek and smiling like Brook used to with him before Jack came along. 

After a few weeks Brook finally had the chat with Mikey. He told Mikey that he liked Jack too and knew it wasn't fair on Mikey to be with him while liking someone else. This broke Mikey, he blamed himself for not being good enough for Brook. He stopped eating and got really skinny, he started hurting himself and just wasn't himself anymore. It killed all the boys seeing him like this, especially Brook. They lost the real Mikey. The one they all loved, he stopped talking to them, he was hardly in vlogs anymore, the only time they were ever all together was filming covers. Mikey found it easy to fake being happy for the fans. He never wanted to upset them or anyone for that matter.

After a few years Mikey was getting better, he spent more time with the boys and was eating properly but he still wasn't the same him. Mikey's family didn't really know that his health went down but that's exactly how he wanted it. He was struggling seeing Jack and Brook all snuggled up together still missing the love of his life even though his love was now dating Jack, two years strong. He was working on himself more but he knew it would be even better if he got out, out of the band and out of the boys hair. He'd still be friends with Rye and Andy and maybe Jack but he knew it was for the best if he didn't talk to Brook for a short while to fully get over him.

So that's what Mikey did, he talked to Blair and they arranged when he could leave, what he would tell he roadies and someone they could find to replace him. It took a few months but on the 7th of May 2019 Mikey officially left Roadtrip because "He wanted to spend more time with family" It hurt making so many of the roadies sad but it was the best for him he knew it had to be done.

After a few days Mikey got a message from Jack. They discussed Jacks problem. His problem with Sonny. Brook had gotten close with Sonny while dating Jack, just like he had Mikey. It upset Mikey to see Jack in his situation so suggested that he broke up with Brook before Brook did. Jack took Mikey's advice and Brook soon got with Sonny. Jack didn't leave however, he stayed put but talked to Mikey more than anyone in the band and soon the two became a thing. It made both boys happier than they had ever been with Brook. Brook got jealous seeing his two exes together so decided to try and get back with Mikey.

Mikey turned down his offer since he was so happy with Jack. Brook gave up on Sonny as well as the rest of the band and went on a week long trip to find out who he was. He came back and apologized to everyone and was clearly very sorry, so somehow Jack persuaded Mikey to join the band again after Sonny left. Mikey found out that Randy were dating and Brook had a girlfriend called Meg. 

They were all happy for the first time in forever and all Brook could think was, thank god we have our Mikey back again.

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