Chasing Your Dreams

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Andy's P.O.V

I sit in my car edging ever closer to the precious airport. I turn up my music in order to drown out my heartbeat, I drum my fingers on the flaky steering wheel to the beat, silently begging for the traffic to hurry up. I let my eyes flicker to the time immediately regretting it. I'm gonna be late my palms start getting sweaty, I push the thought aside and focus on my boyfriend. With his stunning brown eyes and beautiful brown fringe even if he was bold before he joined the band. I think about how he is going to be tanned after deserting me with the other idiots we live to go to Spain for three months. Finally the traffic starts moving again, I speed into the carpark no longer caring about being judged, I park and grab my keys and phone heading into the airport waiting area. I was half an hour early perfect. 

A few fans spot me and come over.

"Hi Andy" I smile in response standing up hugging them all. I end up having a long conversation with them and find out that one of them is going back to Manchester after coming to London to see her best friend and girlfriend (these three people are based on friends of mine and they know who) Her plane arrives and she has to go. She says goodbye to us all and then leaves as her other friends walk off to go home again. I look at the time again, great five minutes until he gets here. 

It hits half seven and I stand up hearing their plane getting announced I grab my phone and ask a random person to film me and Rye meeting again for the first time because its a reminder he loves me. I see a babble of people coming out, I keep looking for Rye but it doesn't seem to have any effect because of my height. Without warning a taller boy comes running at me, I soon realize its Rye and run at him jumping onto him wrapping my small legs around his waist and arms around his neck. 

Rye's P.O.V

I stretch in my seat waking up from my hour nap, I look at the time and realize we will be getting off soon.  My stomach drops at the thought of seeing Andy again. Harsh I know. Its just I like someone else. Someone who makes me smile someone who gives the best cuddles, someone who left the band because I broke his heart. I'm okay now I have Andy. I don't need him. 

I finally get out of customs and get my bag before looking for Andy I spot him soon and see the cameras on us so I run at him, it takes him a while to realize its me but it doesn't take a second for him to sprint full force at me and jump on me. I use my arms under his bum to support him so he doesn't fall. He places a gentle kiss to my cheek clearly happy to have me home. I cant help but think about him. The black haired boy that would wait for me after I got home from anywhere, the boy I could always cuddle when I needed or wanted to. The blue eyed boy who broke down my walls and I just ruined his life. 

"Hey babe what's wrong" Andy says after finally getting off me. I shake my head bringing my shaky hand to my face wiping the small tears of my face trying to ignore the pain I put the love of my life through just so I could fuck someone else. Andy slips his hand into mine leading me to the car. We both sit down but he doesn't put on the music or start the car he just stares straight ahead.

"Its him isn't it?" Andy's voice wavers as he says it and the tears pulse in my tear ducts threatening to cascade down my cheeks again. 

"I I love him" I whisper back as the tears give way and roll down my cheeks

"I know" Andy smiles back softly in pure pain but trying to stay strong for me

"It w was always him" My heart breaks 

"I know" Andy shoots me another broken smile "Which is why I'm ending randy and setting you free to be with him. To be happy" He wipes a few leaky tears before starting the car and turning up the music so I couldn't reply. 

Mikey's P.O.V

I'm sat in my bed with my best friends after they dropped of Maddy's girlfriend at the airport. Meg brought ice cream knowing that Rye was getting back from Spain today and I should be the one getting him. 

"Lets watch old vlogs" Maddy suggests and I nod just wanting to appreciate Rye.

About two hours later there was a knock at the door, Meg sprinted down before I could which is funny because SHE DOESNT RUN (im lazy shut up) 

"Rye?" I hear Meg's voice and before anyone can stop me I've stripped back the duvet pushed past Meg and wrapped my arms tightly around Ryes neck pulling him into my body desperate to be as close to him as possible. I smile as he returns the favour wrapping his arms around my waist with just as much enthusiasm. I suddenly remember Andy and pull myself off him.

"Why are you here" I look at him and it takes everything I have not to kiss him.

"Andy made me come" His eyes water and my heart snaps.

"Why?" I question tilting my head to the side

"He dumped me" He smiles down at me 

"What?! Why" I look up

"Because its you" 


"It was always you Mike. I love you"

I blush intently before creeping back into his arms hiding my head in his neck

"I love you too"

A/N Tehe. I miss the boys whoops, also we are so close to 10.8k reads which is mad! I got so stoked when we had 30 reads. I love you all xx

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