Strip Tease

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A/N This was inspired from a chat me and a friend of mine were having.

Andy's P.O.V

I enter the gay strip club and head straight to the back spotting Jack and Rye immediately. I run up to them and jump on Jacks back as he screams profanities into the air causing myself and Rye to laugh at him. Rye calms down and waves at me before we have to get changed for the show. I jump down and head into my room. I slouch myself onto my red velvet chair in front of my light surrounded mirror and just stare at myself for a while. 

I decided to strip naked and take some nudes in the mirror saving them to my camera roll for later when I find someone to tease them with. Okay so I'm not a fuck boy I am just very Horney and gay. I eventually put my dick in some fabric, I'd say pants but I don't think a thong quite counts especially when you are a man. I chuck on a transparent shirt and head out onto the stage for my set. After about half a minute my eyes find some new faces. One tall dark haired boy and sat beside him a fake blonde who is staring at Rye palming himself and I roll my eyes. The taller of the pair is the one who catches my eye before blushing and turning away. I make it my mission to talk to him tonight.

Sonny's P.O.V

"Sonbob pleaseeee" I roll my eyes at the nickname but nod because I knew I couldn't win against Brook. If he wanted something he got it, the thing he usually wanted was head but I was not prepared for that so I guess this was the next best thing for us. Seriously though, Brook I get you just turned 18 but a strip club? a gay one at that?! I mean men ar- wait what no I'm straight. I decide the best thing I can do is go and get changed so I chuck on skin tight black jeans and a baggy white tee. 

I run downstairs seeing Brook in shorts that barley cover his ass and a jacket exposing his abs, lucky him he actually is attractive unlike me. I walk over to him as he hooks arms with me pulling me to his car as he turns on his music which by the way is awful. He starts playing old old songs and it really bugs me because he has such a modern car, he hates the music too but because his ex Mikey dumped him because he was to childish he was determined to grow up and decided listening to old people music is the way to do that.

We soon arrive and I sit down in the back corner in attempt to avoid seeing any penis but Brook drags me right to the front so I sit down and just look at the floor. Until Brook makes an inhuman noise as the basically naked boys walk on stage, I cant help but stare at this blonde boy, he's about Brooks height but he is gorgeous, I make eye contact with him before turning away and blushing regretting everything. 

After about half an hour the cute blonde boy and his friend Brook was drooling over came and sat opposite, Brooks dick grew about three times the size as the cute boys friend who I later learned was known as Rye took him off into a separate room. The other boy sat opposite me smiling while I continued to blush and play with my hands getting nervous.

"Hello gorgeous" He pipes up in a thick manny accent causing my heart to swoon. People with the same accent as me will always have a place in my heart. I smile.

"Hi, I'm Sonny" His face lights up at my accent to causing me to laugh. 


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