Broken Words

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A world where all the negative words your soulmate said about themselves were written on your skin until you made them believe it wasn't true.

Harper's P.O.V

I sit staring at the celling the same boring shit day in day out, hopelessly waiting for the boy of my dreams, I was a romantic at heart you see. The key word there being was. Until the words on my arm disappeared and the next day a fatal car crash was all over the news. I knew it was my soulmate, I had no other explanation for it, it was the only thing that made sense to me. Hence no longer being a romantic. I still hoped that it wasn't real, day in day out praying hoping desperate for the belief it was still going to be someone else for me.


Jack: Oi Harp! Apparently, Mikey's friend from college is coming to University so we have to go meet him! Come with please!!!

Harp: Ugh why me, why not Rye or Sonny.

Jack: Because, you're my best friend!! Plus you need to actually meet Mikey at some point

Harp: Ugh fineeee

Jack: You're the best We'll be at yours in five

I groan setting my phone down getting pulling on my skinny jeans chucking on a random hoodie and running down the stairs stuffing my lunch in my bag grabbing my phone and headphones and sighing heavily. I plug in my headphones logging into Spotify, getting ready to meet Mikey for the first time, Mikey was Jack's boyfriend and they had been dating for god knows how long but I had problems with him, what they were nobody was sure but its fine. 

"OI BAGEL BOY" I hear my door open and Jack shout as he walks through the door. I grab my bag jumping up.

"alright duff" I smile as he hugs me wrapping his arms loosely around my waist as I return the favour. 

"This is mikey" He steps to the side smiling intertwining his fingers with the shorter boy stood next to him. I take a minute to observe him, his black curly hair that is obviously dyed, piercing blue eyes and cute half smile placed upon his lips.

I put my hand out to shake his but he just pulls Jack closer ignoring me, my heart drops a little feeling awkward.

"Harp" Jacks voice snaps through my thoughts, I nod a little to the side. 

"Let's go meet your friend" Mikey nods smiling keeping Jack close.

"My friend is called Brook, he's a little shorter than me, he has gorgeous blonde hair and green eyes, he's crazy and if you get along with this nutter you'll get along with Brook" 

I smile at the idea of having a new friend, I plug my headphones and follow the couple down the road towards the airport. 

*time skip to Brook's flight getting in*

"BROOKLYN" Mikey screams and runs into the middle of the room jumping onto a boy a little smaller than him, I soon realise its Brook. I reach out to find Jack's hand a little overwhelmed by the amount of people, he grabs my hand pulling me into his side wrapping his arm around my shoulders. 

"fucking idiot" I mumble feeling stupid for getting overwhelmed.

As Mikey and Brook approach us I hear brook say "something else negative" I look down confused at Brooks arm where he is pointing and see the words "fucking idiot" in deep red writing, meaning its new. 

My face heats up as I realise I said that. Soulmate? No he can't be.

"Stop being dumb and getting your hopes up" Brook pulls up his other sleeve rubbing a spot just under his elbow.

"What does it say b" Mikey turns his arm over and read it out loud

"stop being dumb and getting your hopes up" My face flushes more burying into Jacks chest as he messes with my hair. 

"Wait so its one of you two?" Mikey looks up at us stood together.

Jack speaks up "I haven't said anything negative because Mikey would attack me"

Everyone looks at me confused. 

"Hi" I giggle awkwardly not sure what to say or do

Brook looks at me and thinks for a moment

"I wish I was good enough for a soulmate" he says out loud. 

My arm itches a little and I try to hide it but it gets to the point where it is too much to handle. I pull up my sleeve itching my lower arm has dark red words begin to appear. fuck fuck fuck. I say in my head knowing what people are about to realise. I take a quick glance at the words and they read the exact same thing. I drag my sleeve over my arm looking around at them all.

"It just said "I hate myself" I look up at them trying to convince them, Mikey and Brook look convinced but Jack not so much but he can tell I don't wanna talk about it so leaves it but drops my hand running to catch up with Mikey.

I watch the three laugh together knowing I won't ever be part of that, I plug in my headphones turning up the music so I can't hear anything but the sweet tunes of fall out boy. I start dancing a little walking along happily I forget where I am and who I'm with skipping along and start singing.

"I can move mountains" I dance around the other boys smiling to myself

"I can work a miracle, work a miracle" I jump around like I'm performing at a concert

"Oh, oh, keep ya like an oath" I point at Jack and he smiles at me happily

"May nothin' but death do us part" I jump in the air and pose breathing heavily smiling.

*another time skip because I'm lazy*

Jack's P.O.V

I sneak upstairs with Mikey and Brook to read Harps arm. I know he was lying to me, I know the boy to well. Mikey wanted to help and Brook didn't wanna be on his own. I open his door and make sure he is asleep before we sneak in. I slip down on the floor next to harps bed and roll up his sleeve reading the words. 

They perfectly match the ones brook said earlier.

"Its you"

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