I miss you...

901 19 14

Triggering Content

Hey Guys, Its me Mikey.

I love every single one of you. Brooklyn, Andy, Rye and Jack, thank you for everything you've ever done for me. You excepted me into your band, your lives and your family so again thank you.

Brook hey buddy, don't cry okay? In the 7 years I knew you, I never saw you cry so please don't cry over me. Do you remember when you fell in the lake, It was so funny every thing you do is funny. I love you Brook thank you for being there when I needed you but sometimes being there for me isn't enough...This is not your fault bud I promise! Keep Smiling.

Andy do you remember when we first met? I showed up at your house in a suit and you were basically naked. Well that wasn't the last time I saw you naked was it old pal. Keep on with the mustard snack for me, You will always be my snack lil dude. Andy thank you for being a trooper and making it through what I couldn't. The boys can't loose both of us that's not fair, But your  a fighter not me. I love you

Rye, oh dear what do I say about you? Your annoying and stupid, Just kidding. Dear lord I love you so much, you flipped my world upside down from the first time we met until a couple of months ago when life started heading down hill...You have done so much for me I love you bro. Keep the others happy and alive for me.

Blair...Thank you for seeing something in me that others couldn't thank you for taking a chance on me and introducing me to the boys. I love you man.

Jack, Hey dude... You may or may not know this but I have had the biggest crush on you for ages. I love you so much, the way your hair flips over your face the way you smile your laugh just you. Don't miss me to much. Please don't mourn over me im not worth it, plus I don't want you guys hurting. Jack do you remember when we made that rope swing and I wouldn't let anyone push me but you? Yeh that was a good day

I just wanted to say a final goodbye to all of you I love you stay strong for me?

-Mikey x

I walk to the window and smile for the first time in ages it was a real smile, "Good bye cruel world" and I jumped.

R.I.P Michael Patrick Cobban, Gone but not forgotten

A/N I actually cried writing this. Like imagine a life without Mr Cobban....

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