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A/N TRIGGER WARNING! Self Harm and Emotional Manipulation keep save babies xoxo

"I guess it was easy to tell at first, But then it also really wasn't. They always say if you aren't involved in the relationship it's easier. Everyone warned me! My mum my sister and even Rye. I refused to believe my beloved Mikey was actually out to hurt me. He meant everything to me, I was so grateful for him in my life but they said he was hurting me but I never felt the pain, they said he was controlling me but I felt as free as a bird. I just didn't get it. That was until they made me watch a video.Its the same as this video. Some talking about their experiences with being manipulated. Sadly this kind of thing is very common, I'd seen tons of people going through it and always felt guilty but glad because I was convinced I wouldn't be in that situation but I was wrong." I breathe in heavily reading the notes being held behind the camera.

"Brook spotted it immediately which is a suprise I know, We always say he's the dumb one but he gathered Mikey out the moment he told me I couldn't talk to my friends from Ireland anymore. He said it was because he was scared of losing me, because he cared about me. I believed him because he told me he loved me and made me so happy. Brook kept trying to tell me to get out while i still could but i simply brushed him off. If only I listened to my best friend." I yawn before fake smiling as i spot a shiny thing in the camera man's pocket. I really hoped it was food. I hadn't eaten in days.

"Mikey continued to do things like this forcing me to do things I didn't want to. He would constantly remind me of how much he cared about me and how he had our whole future planned i would often ask him to tell me but he never would. He said he didn't want to cloud my judgment he just wanted me to be happy. I guess this was our future, him being trialled and me being here filming this video. I was hoping it would be us staying on the beach smiling away with our daughter Meg and loving the way we turned out to be. It was meant to be perfect" I groan as the voice yells stop. The footsteps grow louder and my heart races.

"My best friend An- Harvey had my back, he was there for me when I caught Mikey kissing someone else. My heart shattered along with my will to be happy. Mikey never knew i caught him but days later he dumped me. Trying to keep me safe is what he said but I knew he was lying. And then Brook and Harvey were trying to tell me that he never cared he just wanted me to be in pain and my body. At first I refused to believe them, Mikey just made a mistake and went about it a stupid way.I would have forgiven him in a heartbeat." My eyes fixate on the shiny thing and saw it was a knife. I tried to keep my breathing under control.

"After a while they managed to make me watch this video, a video about a girl who talked about how she was manipulated in a relationship and felt so pointless. She didn't want to be here but she found someone she cared about and they truly cared about her,and five years later they are married with a daughter named Maddy living on the beach happily. I'm happy for her don't get me wrong I am. I just wish I could be that happy to" I keep watching the knife and my breathe gets shaky. I hear my phone ring that famous noice I have been hearing for weeks. Mikey's ringtone.

"I am relying on my best friends Harvey and Sonny at the moment to get through what Mikey did to me. It still hurts i still care deeply for him and I can't imagine my life without him but I have to. I will be strong and if you are going through this situation then you are strong i promise! I know how scary it is but you are needed and wanted and I love you. I promise you can do this, If I can you can. Just find those supportive friends who are willing to help you through this situation. Find something! Anything that makes you happy like singing dancing listening to music. It will get better" All I want to do is pick up the phone but that's the one thing I can't do and it's tearing me up

"Now to rap up this video as I don't want to make it too long for you guys. I just want to say I know you are all so strong and unfortunately I am not. I wish I was as strong and brave as every single one of you watching this. Yes i have some good friends but they didn't undo what Mikey did to me. I have to do this I hope none of you do the same because you all deserve to be happy and deserve the best life you can live! But sometimes people are born for the right reasons but the wrong way. I am one of those people." He slides the blade across the floor towards me.

"Goodbye roadies and Mikey if you watch this. I forgive you" I sigh tears pricking at my eyes that start streaming down my face as i do what is needed. As everything goes black I feel the blood falling down my arms legs and stomach leaving my body just like my life. Mikey is the last thing in my mind.

"I knew you would do it to protect your dear Mikey, little did you know that this is going on line and he is going to suffer, Mikey loved you, he would never manipulate you" Harvey's smirk is the last thing I see.

Harvey's laugh is the last thing i hear

Guilt is the last thing I feel.

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